Hitachi LCD tv problem (Blue Screen)

Discussion in 'HDTV discussion' started by OTSlad, Dec 29, 2009.

  1. OTSlad

    OTSlad Member

    Aug 20, 2006
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    I recently purchased a Hitachi 42LDF30U LCD tv. On setting it up, I have connect to my Virgin V-Box, and DVD Recorder using HDMI cables. However, I have a very annoying problem, when I go into the Virgin settings and set it to 1080 (Wide) I recieve a picture and sound OK but every 15 to 20 seconds the screen will change blue, then the picture comes back again and continues to do this. If I change the Virgin settings back to 720 it works OK, now and again it will give off the blue screen but not anywhere near as regular when set at 1080 wide.

    It is really frustraing me, and I am a novice to this kind of thing. I was wondering if anyone could help me on this matter as it would be greatly appretictaed. I have searched the forum and google but to no avail. Any suggestions welcome

    Thanks in advance.
  2. bmlshane

    bmlshane Member

    Oct 14, 2006
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    This problem could be caused by the inputs on the TV, if bottom entry ( The plug inserts upwards, and the weight of connector on cable doesn't allow for a really good connection, if it is parallel to TV entry, I t could be leaning downward, and causing problems. The HDMI connector to TV HDMI socket must be very tight, some ends are loose, try switching, end on TV to appliance, Appliance end to TV, this may work, if , not try crimping HDMI end very carefully, it will only take a few mm to tighten sufficiently to minimize if not eradicate problem, but BE CAREFUL in doing it, some makes of HDMI cables tolerances are not very satisfactory, as most if not all are imported, and it depends on country of origin in quality and accurate dimensions of connectors, their tolerances are not as high as they should be.
  3. bmlshane

    bmlshane Member

    Oct 14, 2006
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    For the plug, squeeze the two ends, the narrow part, for the socket the two wide parts, top and bottom,but be careful, better to take many attempts to get it right than one and stuff it up.

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