Well, I turned 17 just a week or two back, and it just occured to me today that I can finally get into R RATED MOVIES! YAY! lol...sounds dumb to be excited about, but there are quite a few good movies out now, and I no longer have to buy a ticket to a PG movie and sneak in. Unfortunately for me up until now, the theaters card people around here. so w00t! If this doesn't strike your fancy as something you want to reply, just throw in any realization you may have had that is unimportant to anyone but you. Could it be the high levels of caffeine I take in that make me get these odd, hyper sessions every now and then? Maybe my tolerance isn't as high as I had thought...
i turned 17 like 2 months ago. 17 is legal age to watch R Rated Movies. In Oz, NSW its 18 or could be older. But that is a good thing to be excitied lol Regards CoZZa
yupps, and there are theaters somewhere in my state that have a stupid policy and won't let you into the R movies unless you're 18. I feel sorry for some of the people there, lol.
Come to Canada, almost every movie is 14+ Imagine my face when I first arrived here after the strict cinema laws from England.
which australia do you live in?? of course its 18+ =p, shite i was like 7 when they changed the law thats deems you an adult at 18 instead of 21, im glad they did change it because i would of only been able to drink a few months ago, well legally anyway .
LOL! How long did it take you to find that. When I was a kid there were two types of movies .... movies and porno movies. None of this age crap (except for the porn). In those days, there were a lot of drive in movies where you could hide in the trunk...was always a contest to see how many would fit. Two in the front seat and five in the trunk. Lots of porn movies played at drive ins in which case you could got with just one in the front seat wearing a long raincoat and the rest of us kids in the trunk. We had one such drive in near my house called "The Rustic" which never bothered to change their sign: "Adults Only" and directly under it they kept the old original sign which read "Children under 12 admitted free!"
i was thinking about that 16th birthday thread and started looking for the car threads i replied to a long time ago. this was on my list and looked interesting, so i revived it.