Since I started backing up my DVD's I've had to buy a new DVD player for the bedroom because the older one wouldn't play the copies. I'm having the same problem with the DVD player in the living room, not that bad but it is a pain in the butt. My question is, can I update it in anyway without replacing it. It's only two years old and expensive because it came with all the surround sound and speakers.
does not sound like it will be possible, too old of a player..... try my stickey at the top of the forum, there is a few links in there, one will give reviews on players, other is if there are any region hacks or firmware updates.. click the link and add your model number where the empty bar is..
Have you tried Booktyping your DVD+R's to DVD Roms? Doing this will make them playable on [bold]MOST[/bold] stand alone players. Commercial dvd movies are booktyped to DVD Rom. That's why they play in virtually all players............ Good luck! See here to learn how to booktype:
some of the dvd-r works well in older players too, but booktyping the dvd+r to dvd-rom is by far the best way to go...