I have this idea, and I want to know if it would be possible to put it to use. See, I'm behind a router, but I have NO ACCESS to the username and password, and resetting it is not an option. But I had this idea... Would there be a way to create an application (like a java applet) that would run on a remote page (preferably a free hosting service like Googlepages), that would keep trying to send requests to my machine whenever a user visited that page? And could I set up my machine with some other program to listen for requests and establish a connection if this applet was sending them at that time? Said applet could be hidden in a minimized frame on the webpage, so the user wouldn't even see it. A frame on the page would open to display a page coming from my own machine. Or could I implement something similar to this concept?? I use BitTorrent all the time, works just fine, and I'm obviously connecting to other peers and seeds. Could I set up some sort of tracker to constantly have me "seed", but have that connection be used so that external users could access content on my machine? There must be a way to do something similar without having to change my router settings, which is absolutely out of the question.
This would be difficult because without access to the router software, the router has no way of knowing where and what port to forward the request to.