hotswap help plz!

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by misterti, May 14, 2006.

  1. misterti

    misterti Guest

    i just took off the cover of my xbox and computer and i took the ide cable out of the dvd drive from the xbox. idk if this is what im supposed to be doing but then im doing after that is downloading this xboxhdm thing and burning it. "idk what to burn out of it so i just double clicked the .bat and went to isolinux file and opened it and burned this boot thingout of it." someone tell me if thats what im supposed to burn. then i restarted my comp w/ the burned cd in the disk tray then i turn on the xbox and before the light flashes red i take out the ide cable from the xbox hard drive and put the computer ide cable in that slot (the one from the computers hard drive)idk if thats the right cable but thats the one im using tell me if it is the wrong ide cable plz. idk what to do really thats all i really try and i dont know what to do next "idk when to turn the xbox on, when to make the switch,which ide cables to switch,and what i do after i switch them plz help! thank u very much
  2. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    Do you want a simple explanation of the hotswap...

    You need a cable hanging out of the first IDE channel of the PC...put the cd drive on the secondary IDE as master and set the pc to boot from it...while you are in the bios settings set the pc to autodetect the hdd on IDE 1

    Take the IDE cable out of the back of the xbox dvd drive and boot it..wait for "ERROR 12" screen...then unplug the ide from the xbox hdd and plug the cable that has been hanging out of the back of the pc into it...then boot the PC... voila!
  3. misterti

    misterti Guest

    what is the first ide channel how do i know what that is. iv got an ide cable in my comp.that is hooked to the hard drive and a little ways down that cable is another little port thing is that the one i plug in my xbox hd (idk which ide cable to put in xbox) is it the one i just explained? ohhh b4 i forget do i plug any ide cables from xbox to the computer? and i dont know how to put the cd drive on the secondary IDE as master and set the pc to boot from it...while you are in the bios settings set the pc to autodetect the hdd on IDE
  4. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

  5. misterti

    misterti Guest

    hey thnx but i cant access that web page would u mind pasting it on your next post (cant access the web page sorry)
  6. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    wtf why cant you access to that link? it is a stickied thread of forum "Xbox - Hardware boot discussion". You can go there manually.
  7. misterti

    misterti Guest

    hey return iv tried many times to access the web page but my computer keeps reseting the page every time i click it it goes to it for a split second then reboots the page and again and again. but i think the only thing im having trouble w/ now is im supposed to burn an .iso file. bc i downloaded xboxhdm and ms dash then im supposed to do something but i dont know what to burn. thats the site im lookin off of

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