Hotswap question, please help!

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by Unknown4, Apr 19, 2006.

  1. Unknown4

    Unknown4 Regular member

    Sep 18, 2005
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    Hi, I recently softmodded my xbox but I guess something went wrong becuase error 16 appears. Now it wont even boot up to M$ dashboard and it also cant read games. I already read the hotswap tutorial but I'm not sure I understand completely. Can somebody please help me on how to do this right? Thanks.
  2. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

  3. Unknown4

    Unknown4 Regular member

    Sep 18, 2005
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    Thanks, after the hotswap the xbox will read games right?, right now it doesnt read original games. After the hotswap it will?
  4. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    hotswap lest you copy files back and forth to PC. Which means you can copy the complete ms dash from PC to xbox hdd to make xbox works again.

    Right now xbox does not read original games because of error 16. It can't set lock.

    I dont think you can do hotswap becaue you will not able to see microsoft logo appears under XBOX.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2006
  5. Unknown4

    Unknown4 Regular member

    Sep 18, 2005
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    In the tutorial you didn't mention error 16, but i can still fix it even though i have that error right? The part where you connect the xbox hdd to the pc, I leave my pc hdd where it is and disconnect the dvd drive, and then i put the xbox hdd where the dvd drive used to be?
  6. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    Becasue the error 16 will not let xbox unlock the hdd, that is why the hotswap will not work.

    When you are able to see "microsoft" appear under the big X and XBOX, the hdd is unlock at this time. And hotswap will work.

    Read the whole page on my tutor. That guy just got hotswap successfully.
  7. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    do you have a backup of the original eeprom? if so, I can help with xboxhdm. It will fix your xbox.
  8. Unknown4

    Unknown4 Regular member

    Sep 18, 2005
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    I have 2 xbox consoles. One is the messed up one with error 16 without a modchip. The other one is ok with a modchip. I've read that if I take out the hdd of the modded xbox and put it in the messed up one, it will read M$ dashboard. The only problem is that my xbox doenst have a modchip and right here: it says that i need to have my modchip turned on. but i dont have one.
  9. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    Can you put the modchip on broken xbox? which is version of both xbox?
  10. Unknown4

    Unknown4 Regular member

    Sep 18, 2005
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    Thanks for responding, no i can't because i wasn't the one who put the modchip in the xbox; I dont know how to install it. It's weird because here: it says on error 16 I can get someone with a modded xbox and put their hdd in mine, but make sure i have my chip on, just one problem, i dont have a modchip! I think I'm gonna hotswap but im not sure what else to do.
  11. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

  12. sesko

    sesko Regular member

    Dec 20, 2005
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    why dont you put the messed up hard drive into the modded xbox and fix it that way? ftp into and replace files?
  13. Unknown4

    Unknown4 Regular member

    Sep 18, 2005
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    Sesko, I already tried that and when i put an auto installer, they dont load. I already tried two, one was called HQ auto installer deluxe 3.0 but when i put the cd in, it reads it but it just never loads, it stays on the big x. The other cd is called xbox board ultimate boot disc, and that one loaded but it says that it detected a new hdd and it starts to format all my drives but when it gets to C, it just stops, it doesnt continue, it just freezes. So since I don't have evox or any other dashboard, can i still ftp? dont I have to have a dashboard?
  14. Unknown4

    Unknown4 Regular member

    Sep 18, 2005
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    Ok, I already tried hotswap but the pc doesnt detect the hard drive. Microsoft doenst appear on the bottom when i turn on my xobx. The weird thing is that when I put my hdd in my friends modded xbox, i put a game in the xbox, microsoft does appear but the game doenst load and error 21 appears, and when i take off the game, error 21 is still there. Anyway is there another thing i can do, or do i have to replace the hdd? thanks.
  15. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    well put the hdd back to your xbox, what error code do you have now? Or you still have 16?

    Yes if you can borrow modchip from your friend. Then install it in your xbox. I will help you to fix it. When done, return the modchip back to your friend.
  16. Unknown4

    Unknown4 Regular member

    Sep 18, 2005
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    While we were trying to fix it, my friend's hdd appeared with error 16 too. Whats wrong? He has a modchip and HIS hdd has error 16, and it can't read games. He puts a game on the xbox and it's about to load but then it goes to error 21, he still has his eeprom in his hdd though if that helps, now we have 2 messed up xboxes. arghh this is getting me tired.
  17. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    His xbox get error 16 because modchip is disable or moved. Another word, Xbox does not load bios from modchip.
  18. Unknown4

    Unknown4 Regular member

    Sep 18, 2005
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    So what is there to do in order to fix it?
  19. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    Which chip is that? which bios on modchip?

    double check to see modchip sits in a right place. Check D0 wire. Check the switch to make sure it sets Enable.
  20. Unknown4

    Unknown4 Regular member

    Sep 18, 2005
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    Wait!, something happened, he's here right now and we were trying every single auto installer we could think of, we tried hq's , xbox-board and they didn't work. but we found slayer's auto installer 2.6 and it loaded! okok we don't know what to do, we just want to have it as it was before. here are the options: 1)Reset/Reboot 2)Save BIOS/EEPROM (xbox C:/backup) 3) New install/ full rebuild 4) apps/upgrades/lock/format 5)eeprom/flash mod chip or xbox tsop 6)Identify your bios/mod chip 8) system settings 9) turn off xbox, which one do we choose in order to have it to what it used to be??

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