How can I backup TV Show DVD

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by Rodos, Sep 11, 2004.

  1. Rodos

    Rodos Guest

    I hope someone will have the time to advise me on how to solve the following. Sorry if it seems an obvious problem, I am just so new to DVD archiving.
    I have been able to start making backup copies of my DVD movies for my archive using DVD X CopyXpress with no problems. I use DVD+R discs and burner on the PC.
    Problem is I cannot backup my DVD's of TV shows, discs that (example) have two, three maybe four or so episodes on each discs. It just will not back these up. Is there an easy way to do this please? Nothing fancy just copy disc for disc allowing for possible compression which DVD CopyXpress seems to do fine.
    Thank you for your time
  2. Navig8r

    Navig8r Regular member

    Aug 27, 2004
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    welcome Rodos
    Yeah no problem
    Download DVD Shrink (dont worry its free)
    remove DVD X Copy (you dont need it and its not that great, sorry if you paid for it, you have the disk so just keep that if you feel you wanna use it again)

    Anyway just throw your DVD in your burner/player
    open DVD Shrink
    PRESS open disk (it will then analyse it
    then make a folder on your HD name it whatever (something close to the DVD)
    then hit backup, save it in the folde you made and thats it
    it will copy it to the folder, after that it will ask for a blank DVD and burn it automatically with nero (hopefully you have nero 6)
    and presto your done
    I have done this with the Season 1-4 of sopranos no prob at all
    any questions feel free to ask
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2004
  3. Navig8r

    Navig8r Regular member

    Aug 27, 2004
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    sorry double post accidently pressed enter 2 bad wont happen again
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2004
  4. Rodos

    Rodos Guest

    Thank you Navig8r for your advice and taking the time to give it. It all seems to have worked great.
    We only recently bought a Lite On 5001 DVD Recorder to give us more use of just the burner on the PC. I know it is a budget range machine but it is all we could afford so it or nothing. Do you know if it is ok or a turkey?
    It has seemed to be working just fine until a couple of days ago when a disc recording failed. It was from an Imation DVD+R spindle and dirsect recording from TV on the Lite On. Has been ok with two discs since. just wondered if you could advise if you feel it is the machine or dud disc?
    Apologies if this should have been a seperate thread. thank you again for the backup advice it was spot on.
    I didn't have Nero but bought it from a download.
    yep I had bought DVD XPress :( but it is all a learning curve and thqanks to your advice I have better software now.
    Be Happy

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