I've been trying this for a while now and I still couldn't figure it out, I hope someone here can help me... I have some avi movies all I want is to burn them either on DVD or VCD (I don't really care) just so I can watch the movies also on TV... I tried ffmpegx it worked fine with some avi files, but with most of them it just didn't want to create the .mpg.dvd file that I need I also tried toast 6 just drag and drop but it takes for EVER!!! most my avi files are about 300 -400 MB does anyone know a better way to do this???
try divxtodvd it seems to handle most conversions simply this free version is here http://freedownload.softonic.de/windows/vsoDivxToDVD_setup_0.52.99.exe or you can get the latest pay version from vso
I never had any success with Toast 6, but Toast 7 has worked 99.9% of the time for me. The key is to make sure the file plays flawless in Quicktime. If it does your in buisness. Just drag and drop your AVI into Toast's DVD Video window, do your settings, click record and go to bed, you should have a video in the morning. I know Toast takes forever, but I find the success I have had with it, out weighs how much faster (I don't think it is actually) FFMpegX is. I never had a working file come out of using FFMpeg.
I have only tried this once so far(yesterday) but I imported the avi file to iMovie(took a little bit). Once it was imported I draged it down to the bottom pane and created 4 scene selections(for iDVD) then File/Export to iDVD. Choose your menu theme and add pictures and words(if you want) and then burn it. It did take forever but the final looks awesome. I didn't see AtrophyG4's resonse the first time so I thought I would share my experience with Toast. Before I did it the way I mentioned above I did use toast 7. I dragged the avi file to toast and it burnt fine. I checked it out on my dvd player in my bedroom and it worked fine. A simple menu popped up with the dvd information and I chose the movie and it played. However, it didn't play in any other dvd players. That's when I tried the above method. Just adding this so you will be aware of the possibility your dvd might not play in all dvd players.