Do you have a router? You need one if you don't. Don't buy one just yet, we need some info. What speed are the network cards (A/B/G)? What OS are you running?
I think for ddp's suggestion to work you'll need a 3rd card, since on computer must have a card connected to the internet and a second to connect to the second computer. It is much easier to get a router, you can get them pretty cheap, and you'll have an always on connection for both your computers (assuming you aren't on dial-up). With the crossover cable option the computer which takes the internet connection in initially must be on for the other computer to access the internet. Not a too big of a deal, but I've used both options and the router has been much easier and more successful.
router is necassary if connecting 2 computers to the net but the poster made no mention about connecting to the net just connecting 2 computers together.
i do want to connect to the net.with both of them at the same time is a crossover cable fast or it is slow
Sorry ddp, I assumed the "only one connection" in the topic was referring to an internet connection. Anyway my speeds were fine with the crossover cable, my only issue was that every now and then a site wouldn't load on the computer connected by the crossover cable but would on the one directly connected to the internet, I was probably doing something wrong at that point, it was about 5 years ago.
barney, if want both computers to access the net than need a router not a hub so both can be on at sametime as long as cable or dsl not dialup.
i was thinking about using 2 network card as im on dial up and im gonna have 2computers soon important question how bad will the internet lag using both on a 56kbs connection and will it work using 2network cards.