I have 9 avi videos, with each 40 min. in length and 350mb in size. First I tried to burn 5 of the avi with nero but after seeing that it'll take 10+ hours to finish, I aborted the process. Then I thought I'll just convert each avi to dvd so I can burn them later without worrying about encoding process on nero. Well, after converting two avi to dvd, I tried to see if I can burn those dvd files from two separate VIDEO_TS folders on one dvd disc but neither nero, dvdshrink, nor imgburn will let me add those files(same name) together. Any suggestions?
Only one VIDEO_TS folder is allowed per disk. It should be relatively simple to add three, forty minute files into a Nero project then convert and optionally burn to disk - five files at forty minutes is do-able, but the quality will be poor. In Nero Vision, elect to make a DVD Video. Add the three AVI files. Proceed to the menu stage - each file becomes an individual menu selection. The conversion should not take much longer than the actual running time of all the episodes.
Thanks. I looked at re-author with dvdshrink in the guides section and I think I got the idea. Now I just have to convert rest of the avi videos.