how can i get my burner to red and right the fastest speeds

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by sizzler10, Mar 3, 2007.

  1. sizzler10

    sizzler10 Guest

    i have a lite-on lh-20a1h dvd burner i tryied updateing firm ware was upto date on that then i went into smart burn and disabled that.what is hypertuneing it says i can disable that old burner is a lite-on too reads way faster than newone .my puter is a 2.4 ghz it mets the specs for burner and memory is 512 it needs at least 128 to run please help if u can figure out
  2. quitt

    quitt Member

    Apr 28, 2006
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    What burning software do you use?Do you have a high speed usb card?What speeds are your DVD blanks?I use nero 6 Oem software,Im using an External MADDOG Megastor 7 in 1 16x Dual Layer Drive,I also purchased a high speed usb card and installed it.The DVD Blanks I use are 16x Write speed.The minimal CPU requirements for my Maddog to run was Pentium 3 /w 800 MHz,128 MB RAM,10GB HDD Storage available. When I was Burning my Backed-up movies before I installed the High speed usb card it took so long ,it took approxiamatly an hour or so to burn 1 movie to a blank dvd!That realy is too long,But when I installed the the HS-usb card it took less than 10 minutes!The picture/sound quality came out identical as the original!
  3. sizzler10

    sizzler10 Guest

    my blanks are good quality verbatiums 16x my burn spee is ok its my reading with this new drive i burn using dvdfab and dvdshrink made hundreds of backups still can quick with old burner but new one is so so slow
  4. quitt

    quitt Member

    Apr 28, 2006
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    Try enabling the smart burn/default and any other(s)that you disabled,And Can you Explain Exactly what program software you use to copy/read your DVD's and how are you put your setting's to them?
  5. sizzler10

    sizzler10 Guest

    it seems to read slower using smart burn and i use dvd shrink and dvdfab some times anydvd if updated enough
  6. JoeRyan

    JoeRyan Active member

    Dec 2, 2003
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    The Lite-On LH-20A1H only writes to three discs at 20X speeds, and the results are pitiful. Verbatim is not one of the three. Forget 20X and record at 16X with any 16X medium. The maximum time savings from 16X to 20X is 53 seconds, but the disc will have PIE errors in the 700s or higher; so what have you saved? (That time savings is only for a disc recorded to full capacity out to its questionable outer edge. Recording any less capacity reduces the time savings.)

    Think of 20X drives as "over-engineered" 16X drives. They are better, but it would be foolish to record at speeds faster than 16X. There are not likely to be any 18X or 20X media. The DVD Forum and the DVD+RW Alliance are well aware of the folly of going beyond 16X recording speeds.
  7. quitt

    quitt Member

    Apr 28, 2006
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    Hope this helps?Try this setting(s)on the dvd shrink.(1)Have you checked your dvd shrink program setting's? open up your dvd shrink,at the top left click on the tab,scroll down to preferences,click on that.A window should pop up,Now on the target DVD size make sure that you put the setting's to the type of lengths of the dvd(s)your about to back-up to.for example dvd-5 = 4.7 GB dvd blank as for the dvd-9 = 8.5 GB dvd blank,now go to the top right side and click on the [x] to close the preference window menu.(2)Now open up your DVD drive and put a dvd movie to backup to your HDD.Go to open disc,the menu will ask to select drive,click on arrow tab to select the drive the movie is in,click on the ok tab,once it's done analyzing you can choose two way's of backing up a dvd on dvd shrink wich is full,and re-author.Full takes longer because of the menu and special feature's,as for re-author you can customize how you want you dvd movie.Now,once you set how you want your back up,click on the tab on the top of dvd shrink that say's backup,another window will pop up.Now click on quality setting's tab ,make sure the two boxes are unchecked,as for any one of the two will slow down backup times by a couple to several hour's depending on if you full or re-authored your DVD movie.Also keep in mind that it's a lot faster to back up your movies by re-authoring them.
  8. sizzler10

    sizzler10 Guest

    i need to speed the reading part really how can i tweak the burner to read the fastest
  9. quitt

    quitt Member

    Apr 28, 2006
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    Do you have Nero software?If you have (1)nero dvd/cd-speed-this application test's the speed of your drive with a series of professional testing routines (2)nero drive speed-this application reduces noise by controlling the drive's reading speed,or nero info tool's-this application you can fid out all about your drive and system configuration.If you don't you can either purhase nero oem or at you local CPU dealer or visit nero product center for more on these software apps.
  10. sizzler10

    sizzler10 Guest

    yes i have nero
  11. rbrock

    rbrock Regular member

    Jun 15, 2006
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    reading and writing at the fastest speed might be ok for data but for music and movies speed is not what you should be trying to do the music will skip in some players and the movies will skip and freeze so you will end up with a fast coaster

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