I cant figure out how to print a picture or if it is even possible from a dvd, i have several dvd's that were recorded as backups for vhs home movies and i would like to print a couple pictures from the movies but i cannot for the life of me figure it out Please Help.
You shouldn't double post. Against forum rules. Will try and get a MOD to transfer this thread to the digital video discussion forum Should get the help you need there.
Thanks, I am sorry for double posting, i thought when i unsuscribed to the first one that it took it off. My Bad.... Sirenia
Thanks they were movie dvd's They have alot of pictures of my grandma who is now dead and my mother is wanting some pictures of her from the movies i thought i could pause the movie right click and save picture or right click and just print but that doesnt work. I guess this is what i get for telling my mother i could figure it out. lol.... Thanks
Many software DVD players have a capture frame option. PowerDVD, WinDVD, Media Player Classic and others. PowerDVD - right click on camera icon on player and select Capture to file. Pause video on the frame you want and click the camera icon. A bitmap picture file will be saved in this location unless you change it in the configuration. My Documents\CyberLink\PowerDVD\Snapshot Media Player Classic - Go to Options - Output and set to VMR9 (renderless). Capture a frame with File - Save Image... WinDVD can capture also but I don't have it installed right now so I can say how.
Thanks so much i have powerdvd and i right clicked on it i tried this earlier but i left clicked and of course nothing happened.. i went to the options and it showed where the file was going too under capture, i probably would have never figured it out... Thanks Again... I actually tried it and it worked. Sirenia