hi everyone how can i update _NEC DVD_RW ND-2510A firmware to highest as possible e.g 16x plz help thanks.
Urm well I don't really know what you meant be your thread but... http://forum.rpc1.org/dl_firmware.php?category=4&manufactor=23 The latest RPC2 firmware for your drive is v2.18. Anyway, you shouldn't be burning at 16x for any type of dvd disk. It is far too high and can result in bad burns. For top quality dvd's such as verbatim or taiyo yuden then burn at 8x and for the rest burn at 4x. And for DL's burn at 2.4x... EDIT: I don't think your drive supports 16x burning... See here... http://www.cdrinfo.com/Sections/Reviews/Specific.aspx?ArticleId=9803 And here... http://www.videohelp.com/dvdwriters...om=&bdrom=&orderby=Name&hits=50&Search=Search
Hey does anybody know how that NEC brand DVD burner really does whats its quality like does it really burn at 16x and are there any skips in your dvd burning results?
If it is a 16x burner then it should burn at "16x", however it is not adviseable to burn over 8x with high quality media such as Taiyo Yuden and then 4x with everything else.
I have a 3550a and love it. You need Liggy's 1Y6 or 1.06 Bitsetting Firmware in order to bitset single-layer DVD+Rs. Otherwise, it's as good as a burner gets.
yeah i totally agree with that....thanks alot anyways for your replies i was just wondering what a lot of people thought of this specific dvd burner cause im really thinking strongly about purchassing it and just looking at the price just creats a jaw dropper if ya know what i mean and i was just wanting to make that the reviews were as they are all told because if this thing is that great for this great price then its a dream come true