The 1 post per 3 minutesrule is quite annoying, so how many posts do I need to lose my newbie status?
mark5hs what does this say,what ye just asked.does ye post belong in this board,read and think if ye want to become a regular user AfterDawn feedback & suggestions Like something about Dawn? Or just can't stand it? Or maybe you'd like to suggest a new feature for the site? This is the place for you. now look at this board,don't ye think your question should of been posted here/ All other topics All the discussion that doesn't fit into other forums goes here.
if some of your posts are in the Safety valve.. read here
[bold]Saftey Valve[/bold] "Feel like letting off some steam? Just want to tell everyone how much the world sucks today? Or how wonderful it is? Go ahead!" Next time read the caption for each topic you're in. It's right underneath it.