Hi all, I have some back up disks which are currently on dvd +r disks and won't play on my home player. Does anyone know how i can copy these files on to the dvd -r disks? I know you can burn straight with nero but the films seem to be glitchy. Can I save these files to the hard drive and then burn with nero or something? I dont think my dell laptop drd drive likes +r disks so if anyone knows of a way i can record on to hard drive using my burner and then insert a blank dvd in the burner to burn it? I did try dvd shrink and dvd x copy but these wont read the disks, do these only copy dvd -r? Please help, Mark
mark1, Your problem isn't in your media, it's in your player. Buy yourself a new "cheapo" player, they will play both media. ($39.99 to 49.99) Pete
If you have a dual format burner and want to try a -R copy, its easy. Insert your +R copy in burner. Open Nero and click copy complete disc. When it asks for the blank media, insert the -R blank and finish the burn. The files will be copied off your HD. Jerry
Hi Jerry, Thanks for your info. I have used Nero successfully. It staes after each burn that it has failed but for some reason they all play fine.
Aaauuuhhh, see there ? That silly ole' Nero lie'n his butt off again - He just can't be trusted can he ? LOL "P"