Ok, got a question for someone out there. I know someone knows this. I want to burn an ISO...and then add a file to the CD-R after burning the ISO with Nero. Or is there another program that burns this way? I want to add some txt files to the cd-r afterwards. Any ideas out there? Thanks Bryan
Use IsoBuster or UltraIso and extract the image to a new folder. Now tuck the file you wan't to add inside that folder and burn as data. I do this quite frequently
Thanks for the info. Can I use ISOBuster or Ultra ISO...to convert mds and mdf files to iso or bin? For some reason...every time I install Alcohol 120...my computer won't boot. I've tried going through each boot up procedure to find out exactly whats going on..but can't. I've got a few MDS files I need to burn to get off HD.