pls can someone help,ive got an acer travelmate 2350 with a broken optical drive and need to install xp but it wont allow me to boot from usb my only option is network boot can any 1 help? how do i do this pls as there is no operating system on there at all.
You need a network server with a bootable image available to you. LAN boot requires a boot server which I would not guess that you want to spend the time and $$$ to get one running. If you want to boot through the LAN then you need to find out which boot protocol your machine uses (if it's recent it's probably bootp, but if it's older it might be something else), then configure a server with that protocol and an appropriate boot file. If you want an educational experience by all means go for it, if you want to get your machine running then just get the drive fixed. A cheaper and easier solution is to replace your broken optical drive. GCC-4243N $17.00 USD and up on the 4 letter auction site.