How do I convert an .sps to work on an M3 real?

Discussion in 'Nintendo DS' started by Vexiss, Mar 25, 2009.

  1. Vexiss

    Vexiss Guest

    Also, are there any GBC emulators for the M3?
  2. jmander11

    jmander11 Guest

    I am not sure what exactly a .sps is are what you want it for. Reply with some info on what is and stuff and I may be able to help.

    In reply to GBC emulators for DS, yes there are. As far as I know Lameboy is a good GBC emulator and V0.11 is the latest version I know of. Go here for Lameboy V0.11

    Hope This Helps
  3. Vexiss

    Vexiss Guest

    An .sps is a Gameshark snapshot. It is the type of game save that people upload to GameFAQs. I would like to be able to use them on my M3.
  4. jmander11

    jmander11 Guest

    I don't think you can, flashcarts are designed for action replay cheats. You do know that the majority of games come with cheats for the M3, right? Just the really new games without updates for the cheats don't have any.

    Edit: Whoops, guess you can, sorry, wasn't sure.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 26, 2009
  5. kittymat

    kittymat Regular member

    Sep 9, 2008
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    YES - you can - well you can change them to a .sav file which may then work on the M3

    You need to use VBA (the emulator)
    First off you need to change the rom so it has the right settings. Ok, first go to Options > Emulator > and turn Flash 128K on instead of the usual Flash 64K.

    After doing that go to File > Import > Gameshark Snapshot...Then select the Gameshark Save. Now save ingame and the .sav file should appear right next to the rom automatically.

    Hopefully that helps.

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