Every time I try to convert flv videos downloaded from youtube to mp3 it has another audio instead of the audio from the video. Can someone tell me any programs that can get past this audio protection ? Thanx.
Will it get past the protection ? I've already tried a half dozen programs and they don't work ? P.S. Can any one get me a webpage that explains how to get past this problem. Thanx.
luffy28, Try the application first. These Youtube acquired FLVs aren't protected. You're experiencing this problem because of the absence of the proper codecs necessary to convert the file flawlessly. If you're unsuccessful with Any Video Converter, try Moyea FLV to Video Converter. This program has embedded codecs.
luffy28, The latter doesn't require any codecs installation. Give it a whirl, and then wel'll go from there.
I figured it out. The site I downloaded the flv file from didn't download directly so I tried keepvid and the video was there. Plus I used Any Audio converter and converted to mp3. Thanx.