How do I convert PAL to NTSC with full functioning menus?

Discussion in 'Video playback problems' started by Green_J, Feb 22, 2009.

  1. Green_J

    Green_J Member

    Feb 22, 2009
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    Ok so I downloaded a DVD via "UTorrent", problem is that it's a PAL DVD. I am trying to convert to NTSC & still have a full functioning menu, special features, chapter selection, etc. Ihave burnt in PAL, but the DVD will not play in my DVD player or Playstation 3. The only way I can view the PAL DVD is with Nero Home, & it has all the full functioning menus that I want.

    After converting to NTSC & burning, the DVD will play in my DVD player, Playstation 3, & Nero Home. However I do not get the full functioning Menus that I want. Instead when i play the DVD the main menu scene & pics do play, but thay just play right through, & instead of stoping & allowing me to choose a episode or chapter, the DVD plays right through to the first scene of the DVD. I have tried converting with multiple diffrent programs including Nero, DVDShrink, ImgBurn, & DVD Decripter, among others.

    It is important to me to have a full functioning menu, as the person I am burning for isn't very electronicaly inclined, & I am afraid without the menus he wil become quite confused trying to navigate the DVD.

    If you have any advice that may help it would be greatly appriciated, as I have already wasted 10-20 DVDs & would like to avoid wasting any more if I could.

    Thank you.
  2. attar

    attar Senior member

    Jun 17, 2005
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    The only way I have converted a PAL disk (with the complete functioning menu) is to use 'VOB Blanker' to reset the flags in the VOB files, and process the files to a new folder, then burn using 'IMGBurn'.
    This does not recode the DVD, merely resets some flags.
    I have used it for PAL BBC DVDs (Still Game and The Office).
    Some DVD Players will reject the result.

  3. Green_J

    Green_J Member

    Feb 22, 2009
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    Ok I tried that & the new dvd still didn't work in my dvd player, & I'm still getting the same message from the playstation 3, "Video in the PAL broadcast standard is not supported". Still only plays in nero home.

    Thanks, but got any other ideas?
  4. attar

    attar Senior member

    Jun 17, 2005
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    The only other suggestion is to delete the 'VIDEO_TS.VOB' file at the same time as the other modification.
    Right click on it and choose 'Menu'.
    On the menu screen, highlight the top pane, then delete the files shown in the lower pane.

    I did this with a PAL BBC 'Extras' disk.
    It wouldn't play on either a Toshiba or Panasonic unit, until VIDEO_TS.VOB was deleted.
    After that in played on the Panasonic, but still nothing on the Toshiba.

  5. Green_J

    Green_J Member

    Feb 22, 2009
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    Ok tried that still dosent work in Magnavox DVD player, Playstation 3 still says it's in PAL. Still plays in Nero home, but this time no menu at all, just starts with 1st episode.

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