i have been trying to flash my xecuter 3 by disk with bio 3294 i downloaded but not shower what to do have made disk with the xeciter team way but when i install the disk it says waiting drive then after a few mitues it ejects it please help or if you know for a step by step guide please point me in right direction
First I would work on grammer, punctuation, and spelling. http://www.teamxecuter.com/qwixnero.htm?CMSSESSID=6f8d25eac73b4fed5ff7fda8a67320b2 You will also need to get a "dummy file creator" and add that dummy file to the folder you are making the xISO out of. Quix is on xbins, don't ask how to get on there, there is a tut in Xbox General.
If you have your xbox networked or at least a crossover cable to your pc, boot the xbox and in the x3 config screen you sould find the ip address for the x3 itself. Use flash fxp or cute ftp etc. to log into the x3. From there you can ftp the bios, apps, and anything else you want. This is part of what makes the x3 so awesome.
dude, use http flash method, it's so easy and fast. follow the yellow brick road =>http://www.teamxecuter.com/flashbios/?CMSSESSID=4bcb381d4df10a674db40bffbdb9f8bd cheers