How do I get a response from this forum?

Discussion in 'Nero discussion' started by billy2291, Jul 4, 2007.

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  1. billy2291

    billy2291 Member

    Jun 29, 2007
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    I started a thread over 7 days ago and still no one here has replied. I will try again. I am trying to burn the movie "The Holiday". My decryption goes fine and so does mt encoding. I get a realocation failed error when I burn it as a TS file using Nero 7 essentials with all the plug ins.. so I used Folder2iso to turn it into an iso. I then burned it with dvd decrypter and image burn. It burns fine as an iso but won't play in my dvd player and all my other backed up video is fine. Over 200 backed up. Old and new. Why am I having an issue with this particular movie? Is there any other burning software out there that performs better than nero 7 essentisals that will also work with shrink? I am pretty new to this so if anyone will respond please explain it to me like I am a 6 yr. old. Thanks. What are the normal turn times for a response? What can I do to get quicker help?
  2. onya

    onya Guest

    billy2291, welcome to AfterDawn, getting an immediate reponse is a luxury, please have patience and you will get a reply soon enough. Don't ask for help multiple times on the same subject matter as the Mods and members don't take kindly to it. Have you phrased your problem/question adequately enough?

    *** REPORTED ***

    I've asked the Mods to close this thread for clarity. It is in no way directed AT YOU. It just simplifies the process
  3. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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