How do I get Dbox yWeb to work?

Discussion in 'Digital TV - United States & Canada' started by chucklaw, Jul 3, 2008.

  1. chucklaw

    chucklaw Guest

    Just wondering if anyone is able to stream live TV to their PCs from the DBox 2 using yWeb? I have VLC and the Mozilla plug-in etc. installed but When I click the Live TV option I get a "Processing" message and then nothing - the connection to the Box is broken. I need to restart the DBox to re-establish the connection and open the yWeb interface again.
    I've tried to get this going on Windows Vista and Linux Ubuntu in Firefox and IE but no luck. Is there a specific image that I should be using? Or are there some settings I've missed?
  2. chucklaw

    chucklaw Guest

    Hi All,
    I flashed the Andromeda v2.0 image last night and got an updated y-web that worked perfectly in IE7 - streaming TV to my PC, great quality - happy days! Only problem was that the Andromeda image was missing a lot of channels so I decided to do a service scan. After that I lost all channels.
    Right so having tried various service scan options (I'm in Dublin, by the way on NT*) and failing to pick up any channels I had a brainwave and decided if I FTPed the files for y-Web off the Andromeda image to a temp folder on my pc, re-flashed my old sportster 1.7 and then copied the y-web files to that image that I might have the benefit of my working sportster image with the newer version working y-web....
    It didn't work!
    Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated.
  3. turner123

    turner123 Guest

    i use wingrab tv and vlc to stream/record its more stable and does not crash like yweb
  4. chucklaw

    chucklaw Guest

    Cheers for the suggestion Turner, will check out wingrab.
  5. chucklaw

    chucklaw Guest

    Anyone got the WinGrab install or know where I could get it? I've checked on the site but the download link is dead.

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