How do I get stuff off my ipod?

Discussion in 'iPod discussion' started by Mez, Mar 2, 2007.

  1. Mez

    Mez Active member

    Aug 12, 2005
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    I am confused by the sync process. Our family has several ipods sharing a central store of tunes and videos. The store is way larger than the largest ipod so each ipod has its own play list. I assumed if I am using the 'sync only selected option' and I uncheck a video or tune when it is synced the stuff will be removed but it doesn't. How you I get old stuff off so I can get new stuff on?
  2. wdclean

    wdclean Regular member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    I ran into the same problem and I had two movies on that were the same. I tried to delete the one but it keep coming back. I think itunes only takes the shortcut away but the data stays so everytime I would hook up the movie came back even after deleting it from the libary so I ended up doing a hard reset. Now I watch very carefully whats going on as it seems to come back. But even if its full it should overwrite the ones you don't want. I think it does this to be faster as removing a shoutcut is much faster then removing the file
  3. Mez

    Mez Active member

    Aug 12, 2005
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    I am sure it only saves the path name even tunes unless you specify to import the tune.

    I finally deleted all the movies in itunes then re-added them which did work. I keep most of my tunes outside itunes. I prefer to use media player for tune matenance. I have yet to rip anything with itunes. I suspect from what I heard itunes has more features to craft a better product. MP limits the bit rate for mp3s that is too light for me. I am hoping itunes is better. I have used other rippers but I need to go to a guide every time I use them and it takes me too long to figure out everything. Being lazy I settled with MP. Like itunes, MP will try to name the tracks. That is huge for me being lazy.
  4. wdclean

    wdclean Regular member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    I here what your saying but I was talking about the ipod itself. Yes your right about importing the path. The thing I hate is there is no options to customize anything, apple's got this locked down. I'm just glad its my daughters video ipod as I don't like having to work around even the easyist things...
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2007
  5. Mez

    Mez Active member

    Aug 12, 2005
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    I agree. My main use is again my daughter's video ipod but I got a Nano for Xmas. My crappy mp3 player I got the year before died by summer. For all my aggravation, I concider it worth while.

    I am a senior developer. I fire programmers like the ones that built the ipod interface and itunes. They are the ones that although very smart they are not customer and team focused. They want to show the world how clever they are. Mine you, all the best priogrammers start out that way. Fortunatly, I was well mentored. They recoginized that flaw and beat it out of me. I do the same. If they are not smart enough to get the message they get the boot.
  6. wdclean

    wdclean Regular member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    Too Chez, I guess some good news I heard was that I tunes has been hacked and I'm sure over at Apple there standing around the water cooler scatching their heads wondering what the hell they are going to do now that their baby has been abducted. Looks good on them, Apple and Sony both should be thrown over board with Microsoft tied on for weights.....Sink or drowned ? I'll let you guys anwser that.

    Hail To the King.......

    Cheers, WDCleancut
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2007
  7. jazo132

    jazo132 Guest

    You don't have to uncheck the songs unless you have the "Only Update Checked Songs" option turned on. To get the songs off, you have to delete the songs off the playlist that the iPod is using.
  8. wdclean

    wdclean Regular member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    I'm not to sure thats 100% true as I had a duplicate movie that kept coming back, so like I was saying unless the Ipod needs the space it just removes the shortcut but the file stays until the space is needed then overwriten. Either way itunes may be a slick piece of software but with no controls and chopped down mp3's and libraries locked down where I can't use it with other players, it seems user friendly till you rip the cellophane off the cover. Basicly a program to deal with people who like to click one button and don't care about the details. Still I know its one of the biggest music programs, but what does that tell us???

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