How do I install the microsoft bios?

Discussion in 'Xbox - General discussion' started by TylerD75, Nov 22, 2003.

  1. TylerD75

    TylerD75 Guest


    I've installed an Alladin Advance 64 chip in my XBOX. This worked just fine, and I was able to use Slayers Auto Installer to install the Mediaplayer etc.. The chip has three boot alternatives:
    Tap the powerbutton once --> Boot Orig. Bios
    Hold the powerbutton 1 sec --> Boot EvoX Bios
    Hold the powerbutton 2 sec --> Flash Mode

    The two last options work fine, but I owerwrote the Microsoft Bios, so I can't boot the Orig. Bios.

    So here's my question:
    How can I install the Orig Microsoft Bios and at the same time keeping my EvoX Bios?
    I really don't want to reformat and shit, so can anyone tell me how this is done?
  2. GetModded

    GetModded Guest

    If all you did was install the chip then there's no way you could have lost the original XBox bios from the TSOP. There are 2 sets of jumpers on the motherboard that would need to be soldered to enable writing to the TSOP.
    Unless you did this it has to be something else.

  3. TylerD75

    TylerD75 Guest

    I get a green screen with info in several languages, telling me that the XBOX needs service. I've seen this screen once before, and that was on a xbox that had damaged by a blow to the lid. I've not only chipped the xbox, but also installed a 120GB disc. I thought maybe the bios was stored on the disc, but it might be the dashboard that is missing.

    I hope this makes sence to someone ;)
  4. TylerD75

    TylerD75 Guest

    One more question to RustyDog or who ever is reading this:
    I can go from the EvoX Dashboard to the microsoft dashboard to set the time etc, so why can't I boot normally? Any ideas?
  5. GetModded

    GetModded Guest

    First thing to check is to make sure your 120gb hard drive is locked.
    Then FTP to the Xbox C drive and make sure you have the original xboxdash.xbe file

  6. TylerD75

    TylerD75 Guest

    I have the original HD, with everything working, so I can copy it back. But won't I owerwrite the new dashboard? As you might understand I am kind of a XBOX newbee, so could you explain to me where I put the original xboxdash.xbe? Do I owerwrite the existing one, or can you have two dashboards?
    This might be a lot of stupid questions, but I'm greatful if anyone can answer me...

    Thanks to RustyDog for the help so far!
  7. GetModded

    GetModded Guest

    I think the problem is you renamed the xboxdash.xbe when installing the EvolutionX dash to msxboxdash.xbe and the EvolutionX dash you named xboxdash.xbe.
    Yes, No?
    If you did then rename xboxdash.xbe to evoxdash.xbe and rename msxboxdash.xbe to xboxdash.xbe

    Also make a back up of your C drive before renaming files just incase anything gets screwed up.
    And make sure you have a working EvolutionX dash boot disc before starting.


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