I have a film but its in two halfs is there any way i join them and burn the film onto a dvd so to have the complete film instead of two halfs thanks in advance.
there are a # of programs that can do the job! What format are your films in? that will determine what programs you can use!
if you want to convert it to DVD then use a good DVD converter like ConvertXToDVD and add your files ...... you can make menus or don't make menus and have the DVD run consecutively! Or you can use Nero Vission and covert it to DVD and do the same thing! There are many ways to do this. All depends on what you want to do and what your programs are.
i have nero are there any guides which could show me how to convert and is there any guides on how to use ConvertXToDVD
Thread title renamed from the unhelpful "HELP PLEASE". See here for a guide - http://www.afterdawn.com/guides/archive/vso_convertxtodvd_guide.cfm though if you'd have clicked on the highlighted blue convertxtodvd links in the posts (including your own) you'd have found a guide