I have a laptop and a PC tower. Both have wireless setups and I created the wireless connection between my laptop and PC. Now I need to find out how to share files between the two. Basically, I want to be able to put music onto my laptop and send it to my desktop for storage. But I still want to me able to access it from my laptop through the network. Is this possible?
Yes. Assuming the PCs are networked together, just use windows file sharing. Create a network share on your main PC, then log onto that share with the network name \\netname where netname is the name of the network share you choose. Then logon using the same username and password you use for your desktop. Remember to set write and rewrite privileges to be able to send new files to the share and delete.
i have the network created now... i ran the network wizard on both computers and they are running wireless, but i cant figure out how to view the folders. computer 1 doesnt recognize computer 2, unless im looking in the wrong place. i have shared the folders i wanted but i still cant find them on the other computer
When you say you have created a network now, what exactly do you mean? Is a router involved that is broadcasting a wireless network signal? If not you need to set up an ad-hoc wifi network during the network setup wizard. Have you done this? Go start>run type "cmd" then at the prompt type "ipconfig" What ip address, subnet mask and gateway do each of your pc's have?
i have wireless in both of my computers. i dont have cable internet i have dialup (since i live in BFE)! i got the ip and submask, but neither of my computers had a gateway #. i have the wireless running and the files shared but the computers are recognizing one another.