How do I make an MP3 disc

Discussion in 'Audio' started by fredboy, Jun 1, 2006.

  1. fredboy

    fredboy Guest

    Hi to all,
    Ive just got an MP3 player in my car and don't have a clue how to put say 6 discs to one disc in MP3 format. I have Roxio 7 and Nero at my disposal so can someone guide me through the process please.
  2. Rickster0

    Rickster0 Regular member

    Feb 16, 2006
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    just drag and drop all the tracks onto the cd until al lthe memory has been used then select burn these files to cd then when you are given the option of burning data cd or audio cd select data cd this will leave the tracks as mp3s which will be recognised by your player don't worry i have the same mate it will work :)
  3. Neviar

    Neviar Member

    Jun 27, 2005
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    From what I'm understanding, you have many CDs with music that you want to put on one Mp3 disc. First of all, you will need to rip the files off the disc and encode them in Mp3 format. Open Nero and make sure you are on CD mode at the top of the screen. Under the Music note (Audio), click on "Convert Audio CDs to Audio Files." It should guide you through the process. Be sure to encode them in Mp3 format using the LAME Mp3 encoder. Rip all the tracks in one folder and be sure to name them accordingly. When you have all the files ripped off the CDs, open Nero StartSmart again, and go to the Audio section. Click Make Mp3 CD and add all your files to one disc. Burn the CD and you should be all set.
  4. Berkner80

    Berkner80 Regular member

    Jun 26, 2003
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    Here is just a tip from my experience. I have an Alpine Mp3 player for my truck and I can Access my Mp3's by folder or file name. I have found it nice to have my Mp3's sub-divided by folders. Otherwise you would have to scroll through 200+ file names. Have your songs in different folders and then just drag the folders you want to be burn. This makes it real nice when you are looking for certain music you want to hear.

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