I've see all the ways people say to do on this site but ever time i put the game in and try to make an ftp connection it says it failed!
You don't, I don't think your softmod is even fully installed if you don't have an alternate dashboard. You need to install the softmod completely.
what do u mean i mod my xbox but i dont have a alternate dashboard give me what i need or show me plz.
also see i was an idiot so when i bought a modding kit of ebay it cam with premodded maps then i got more into it and used dothalo and CMR and started finding ppfs to download.
mystery i've been tryin to ask you if you have a modded dash.....you never completely gave me a answer....so im taking it you dont. you do need to install a softmod completely and we know u say u mod...but you are using starting mod's....ill give u a link so you can get a tut on how to mod your dash so therefore you can mod the old halo2 maps....have a nice day.
thankyou and i dont have a fully modded dash im just sick of being acused of a lie. But still Thankyou!
we didnt say you didnt mod....we were sayin and asking if you had a modded dash......but yea get the story straight and thanks.
ok I will, First you need to get halo 2 on your hard drive. so first open your torrent software (bittorren, utorren) if you dont have one go to www.download.com and search utorrent. Now open up utorrent and on the seach bar in the upper right hand corner seach "slayer 2.7" now download this (may take long time) just get 2.6 if you cant get 2.7. Once you are finshed downloading it you should have an iso file. Using Nero or other cd burning software burn the iso to a cd-r. Now take the cd and put it in the xbox. It should start the cd and now install the apps on the slayer cd. One of the apps is called "DVDtoXBOX" open this up and you should be able to do the rest.
An easier way to copy halo 2 to your HD is to do it off your xbox. Insert your halo 2 disc in your xbox, but do not start it, remain in the modded dashboard. Go to your file explorer on the left side and select your D drive. Inside of there should be bink, maps, media etc... Highlight the bink folder, media folder, and the four .xbe files on the bottom. go into the maps folder and highlight all the maps that don't have numbers at the start of their name. Now go to the right side and go into E/games. Go back to the left and select copy. It will start copying to your HD. You're done.