I've tried putting lame_enc.dll in win/sys and win/sys32...but, it keeps on giving me an error message that I don't have the right components or something like that. Anybody having a similar experience out there? Thanks, guys.
Doesn't work that way - try CDex http://www.afterdawn.com/software/audio_software/cd-da_extractors/cdex.cfm You can put the latest lame_enc.dll 3.96.1 into it (it comes with 3.93, I think) My Media Player 9 offers to do Windows Media Audio VBR encoding, but this is locked-out on most peoples WMP I see. I think it's because I installed the Radium MP3 codec (ra-codec12.zip) that registers itself in Windows. LAME doesn't work that way - needs CDex (great little program, freeware too L8R
thanX, The_OGS. I've actually heard of that proggie before but didn't know what it was or how to use it. I've learned so much since I joined this forum!!
Once you have the settings (in WMP 10) then select rip (after putting in your audio CD) select the songs you want & rip away...
Of course you can create mp3's without having Lame on your system. You're using the built-in encoder in WMP10.If you want the best quality,then you should use Lame.You can rip your waves however you like and use the Lame front-end Razorlame to encode them. You can find that here: http://www.dors.de/razorlame/index.php In Razorlame,go into Lame,Expert Settings,Custom Options and input this string for high-quality vbr mp3's: --alt-preset standard You can also use --alt-preset extreme if you want to get the absolute best sound quality with slightly larger files.
Jables and Bratcher, thank you for your advice. I do have another question, however. I did try all of those steps Bratcher recommended; that's why I started to get that original error message that prompted me to start this thread. Why does my WMP 10 act differently from you guys'?
As I have said, the Windows MP3 codec is 'locked'. It will playback MP3s, but it will not encode them (thanks, Bill). This is a well-known issue, going back to Windows98. You must install the Radium MP3 codec (which I have as ra-codec12.zip) that registers itself in Windows, but this codec has all but disappeared from the web in recent years... Windows wants to make *.wma files, using its own proprietary compression algorithms. Their VBR WMA is actually not bad, but I don't use it, I use LAME. I was startled, however, to see the VBR WMA setting is locked-out on most peoples WMP I come across (not sure why it is unlocked in mine, as I have said). Windows (WMP) won't use LAME. So forget WMP and use CDex
The_OGS, I'm wondering if you can tell me where I might find that codec that you keep on mentioning OR if you could just post it here or send it to me (I don't know exactly how it works around here). I've always used WMP to burn/rip, and I'd like to continue doing so if at all possible. Thanks!