i cant use my xbox and want to put it in my pc.....ive got seagate disc wizard... my pc recognizes the drive but cant access it to put windows on.....
thanks...ive seen that one though.....see the problem is my xbox wont even turn on(RED/GREEN FLASHING LIGHTS) so i cant unlock it that way.....is there another way?
you xbox must be modded and you must have the motherboard that came with the xbox to unlock it...if not your hd is now a paperweight.
ive got my hdd out the xbox and attached to pc....i have my hdd password....but theres a boot disc that i just cant get to work....
Is it giving you a message about the HDD being in "FREEZE" mode? Some PC's won't allow you to Lock/Unlock a HDD at the boot process. When the computer detects the drive at bootup, it "freezes" the drive and disables the lock/unlock features. You have to leave IDE cable (leave the power cable in) unplugged from the Xbox HDD until the first screen on the boot cd appears. After you see the sreen, you then plug the IDE cable into the XBox HDD. Then select the HD locking/unlocking tools... My computer is this way...if I just bootup with the HDD plugged in like it should be, my PC freezes the drives, and I'm unable to lock or unlock. Hope this helps,
thanks for the info....i havent got a boot disc that works....i tried dl'in one specifically for this...but it wont finish...i think its corrupt
if you want a godo boot up disc, go to torrenttyphoon.com, and search xbox the first thing is soem boot up disc thing, tons of seeds and peers and use azerues.i havent tired it though.
As long as you don't have a Phoenix BIOS on your pc, try this: 1. Download xboxhdm v1.9 2. Put your hdd key in the /linux/eeprom folder 3. Use mk_win_iso.bat file to create a new iso file of the xboxhdm prog and burn it to cd. 4. Boot the pc from the cd without attaching the hard disk 5. When you get to the mainmenu, attach the hard disk. Run option 3, lock/unlock tools. It will locate your hdd key and ask if you want to unlock. Type YES and enter. Your drive will now be unlocked. I'm assuming your box is modded, either softmod or with a modchip. So another option you could try is to download Slayer's autoinstaller 2.6 and burn it to dvd. Then, if your mod is still working, boot the Slayer's disc and use the option to reinstall the C partition containing the retail, unmodified M$ dashboard and all progs on the E partition. This will return your box to a retail-type state and you could then reinstall your mod.
I have somewhat the same problem. I can't seem to hotswap the normal way as I don't have the AV cable nor the controller for it. The light flashes Orange/Green and it turns on but I don't know if the HD unlocks because I can't see anything. Will it boot to the dash if theres no AV Cable or does it error? Also, is there a program that can wipe the drive regardless if it can read it or not? Obviously I don't plan to keep anything on it, I just want it to work on my PC. It was just some junk Xbox that I got that seems to work still I just wanted to use the HD for my other PC and just junk or give away the carcass. It's funny thought because I think it got dumped because the DVD Drive got a huge dent in it and I can hear the internals scrapping, which is not hard to fix actually.
I must admit to being somewhat confused. You have an Xbox and no AV cable or controller? You HAVE to have an av cable connected for the box to work otherwise you will get the flashing light, but this could just as well be associated with an hdd error.
There was no cables or controllers. I don't think anyone would dump cables or controllers if they are still working. Like I said, it was probably dumped due to the funny noises the DVD Drive was making. I've already pulled the HD to see if it was ok and its fine, spins up and down without noises and it can be detected properly. As far as I know theres nothing wrong with the HD through a normal PC. The Orange/Green Flash means no AV signal.
How can the hdd work ok through a pc when it's a fatx formatted drive and it's locked? Even xboxhdm will not let you check it in it's current state, it will only tell you that it's locked. And flashing lights can mean any one of a number of errors. You really need to get an av cable connected to see if it is throwing up any errors onscreen, such as: 05 - HDD unlocked or 06 - HDD locked to an incorrect eeprom key
I can detect it, see what mode its in, size, ect. but can't look at it or access it. I've let it run in the XBox but it seems to shut itself off after about 10 minutes. It has appeared to be opened before could also be an attempt in modding the Xbox the HD appears to be a retail drive. I've looked at the board there doesn't appear to have anything disturbed. I'll probably have to have another look at it. The flashing Orange/Green light means no AV cable. Your thinking RED/Green flashing light which could mean many things. I have yet to get a hold of a AV cable anyway to conferm what is wrong with it.