How do i use an .iso of an xbox game?

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by m0usey, Nov 26, 2006.

  1. m0usey

    m0usey Member

    Nov 26, 2006
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    Ok here's my problem.
    I recently torrented Forza Motorsport for my modded xbox and i've got an FTP link and a network set up for my xbox and stuff and i can view all the files on it.

    However i have absolutely no idea how to use the .iso i was left with for Forza on my xbox.
    I burnt the .iso to a DVD using alcohol but when i try using the DVD rip utility on XBMC it just freezes.

    And when i put the disk in my computer it doesn't read.

    The original file i downloaded was in split archives
    (Forza.r01, Forza.r02 ect.) and i highlighted all and extracted them to a certain folder i made, however i have no idea how to use it.

    The file i got when i extracted was , i tried renaming it to forza.iso and it still doesn't work, should i rename it again and FTP that?
  2. Nu2Mods

    Nu2Mods Guest

    piracy isnt allowed, go buy the game
  3. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    Case: Discussion about pirated content and piracy, such as converting (downloaded) video and/or audio files to DVD/AudioCD/whatever format. PERMITTED
  4. NorcalGuy

    NorcalGuy Guest

    I think you need to just burn the iso image to a dvdr with a burning program like sonic or if you can get the last ver of dvd decrypter thats works good to i found out from a guy on the fourm

    Some iso files I downloaded would not work after burnig till I used Craxtion4 to strip the iso and rebuild it then after I burned it no problems

    Can the xbox read a dvd-rw (anybody know?)
    Im not sure , My Drive want but then again I think I need a new dvd drive soon too on my xbox

  5. DeadRain

    DeadRain Regular member

    Nov 21, 2006
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    softmodded xboxes can read burnt DVD-RW's, yes.
  6. corn

    corn Guest

    You need a IMAGE burning program, like Nero, or Alcohol 120%.
    Don't ask me how to do it, just thats what you need.
    DVD-Decrypor burns DVD's I don't think it burns Images.

    What speed did you burn the images at, and also, what DVD-R's are you using?
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 2, 2006
  7. steimy

    steimy Active member

    Dec 2, 2004
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    1. you highlighted all the rar files and extracted them. You only need to extract the first one and it will extract them all.
    Forza.r01 (make a folder, right click on this file, then choose extract from the drop down menu and put it into the folder you just made)

    2. Then after you do that you should get an ISO file. If you get a bunch of folders, or one folder with a lot of folder inside it then you have to use Craxtion4 to create that folder into an ISO.

    3. then you take that and burn it to a QUALITY 8X DVD-R
    look at a DVD media guide if you do not know what i mean by quality and choose a disc that is either listed as 1st or 2nd class media.

    stick it in your modded xbox and choose the option on the dashboard that will run what is in the DVD Drive.

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