batmn419, can you provide a little more information as to what you are trying to do? What is the .exe file for? ...a program... an image...? Was it a downloaded file with a .exe extension? .exe files can be decompiled, debugged, viewed, edited, recompiled, etc.. you can do all sorts of things with them. Depends on what you want to do with them.
Ok, how many MB is the whole file ? (everything include) Alright Batman, I just read one of you r previous posts, Its madden 2005 and you d/l'd it and got .mds,.mdf files. Burn them with Alcohol 120%. And try your luck. If any of the sepup.exe file won't install the game, you got a bum d/l. SOL. Why on earth would you want to modify these .exe files? ...Your're trying to get it to run right? I know how to do this and have been doing it since the Commodore 64 days. A lot of knowledge is required and a whack of software and it is absolutely not discussed in these forums. the Weycraze
... a bum d/l ( a bad download ) ... sol ( shit outa luck ) Try getting your file from another source.