if i were to get a 40gb maxtor hard drive what would i need it to do to use it in my xbox? do i need to format it or what? Do I need to connect it to my computer first or can i just put it in my xbox and play from there?
do u have a modchip or are u softmodded becuz if you have a chip usually u can just swap them out but if your softmodded then u have to get xboxhdm(hard drive manager) and they will have tutorials to walk u thorugh that....
i am softmodded... is there a way though where i can get a setup hard drive (like an original harddrive with all the main files on it to play a game on an xbox)and then swap it?????
waste of time putting in a 40GB go for something bigger like 80GB.for the install pics use google and do a search you should find what you want.read up some tuts they should tell you how to format it and get it working.
eagles not that i know of but using xboxhdm isnt hard at all,,just back up your eeprom to your comp and your C and E folder and the read me in the xboxHDM will walk you through the rest i did it in 20 mins and get a big hard drive 80GB or above