How Do You Take A GBA Save File and Put It into Original GBA Cart

Discussion in 'Nintendo DS' started by rrhiphop, Apr 9, 2009.

  1. rrhiphop

    rrhiphop Member

    Apr 1, 2009
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    Yesterday I learned that Pokemon Diamond, Plat, and Pearl do not work with the GBA to DS linkage. Sucks. I have the original GBA cart of Emerald. Does any one know how to take a sav file from an emulator and put it into the original GBA cart ? I have a great collection of pokemon in the Emerald save file from an emulator. I really dont want to play through emerald again on the original cart. Any advice will be great.
  2. pspeter

    pspeter Regular member

    Jul 6, 2006
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    Hi i think this is what you might need to do...

    how to backup the save using that GBA backup tool
    (found here -

    1. Place the .nds file (and presumably the .ini which comes with it) wherever you want on your microSD card.
    2. Insert the GBA cartridge you want to backup/restore into slot-2 of the DS
    3. Run the GBA backup tool off the R4. It'll say "Set a target cart for slot 2". Press A (ok).
    The tool will check what the title of the game on the card is, the size of the ROM and the save type it uses. This information will then be displayed on the screen.
    The tool also creates a folder called GBA_Backup on the root of the microSD card, this is where the save files are placed when you back them up.
    4. You should find youself looking at the:
    Save Backup Menu
    -(A): Specified SAV file is updated.
    (this overwrites whatever SAV you have selected with whatever save file is located on the GBA cart. Since you have no files, it will be greyed out)
    -( B ): New SAV file create.
    (this copies whatever save file is in the GBA cart to a file named based on the title of the game. E.g, when I backed up advance wars, the .sav title was "ADVANCEWARS_AWRE_00.sav"
    -(X) Change ROM
    (this allows you to insert another card in slot 2 for further backup/restore operations.
    -(R) Change Command Mode
    (this changes between the 3 "modes" of the program, Save Backup, Save Restore, and ROM backup)
    So, if you press R here, you will go to the :
    Save Restore Menu
    (A) - Restore data in Card from SAV file.
    (this will copy the selected SAV file to the save memory of the GBA cart)
    ( B ) - SAVE area of ROM is initialised.
    (this should - I didn't test it - erase whatever is in the save memory of the GBA cart)
    (X) will still allow you to insert a different GBA cart into the DS, (L) will take you back to the Save Backup Menu, and (R) will take you to the ROM Backup menu.

    ROM Backup Menu
    I haven't tested it, but from the looks of it this operates similarly to the save backup menu, except its backing up the entire ROM rather than just the savegame.
  3. rrhiphop

    rrhiphop Member

    Apr 1, 2009
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    thanks alot

    i dont think the link you supplied works tho.
  4. rrhiphop

    rrhiphop Member

    Apr 1, 2009
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    i got my hands on the GBA backup tool.

    version .21

    but it doens't work when i run it it says hardware not found.

    I do have the gba cart inserted. But doesn't work. I also downloaded version .20 but when I run it it turns off my DS.

    any advice ?

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