Hi i have an Acer Aspire 5672 with Pioneer DVDRW DVR-K06RS with firmware version 1.01. I have very low CD-R read and write speeds notably only being able to write at X4 instead of the X24 that the drive should be capable of. Obviously this takes CD burning times up from about 3 mins to 20mins so it is quite a significant difference. Having tried a few different media types I have yet to find blank CD-R's that burn at full speed or any higher than X4. I am aware some people have successfully upgraded their firmware on this drive and would really like to know step by step exactly what I have to do to upgrade the firmware so I can see if an upgrade solves my slow speeds. I've found two sites with firmware for Pioneer DVDRW DVR-K06RS on them but haven't a clue what site has the correct one to install if any: http://forum.rpc-1.com/dl_firmware.php?download_id=2252 and http://tdb.rpc1.org/#DVRK06 Any help on this subject will be much appreciated. Regards, Chris.
Hi, here is the latest update for your drive.. http://www.logitec.co.jp/DRIVERS/DVD/LDRPMA8U2_WF105.EXE Download and run that. Also, make sure DMA is on. Use this guide to help you... http://webpages.charter.net/bacitup/TheGuides/checking DMA.pdf