Follow the instructions and find how fast your internet connection is. Make sure no other program is using the internet connection to get the best results. Post how fast your internet connections is on this thread! I wanna see how fast people's connections are! After a couple of different tests, the highest I got was 9.8 Mbits per second.
Are you kidding me? How did it not work!! that website is given with utorrent to test your internet speed. It has to work and it does.
line speed: 2595.4 Kbps 318.1 K bytes/sec I have no clue..but my internet and Xbox Live is fine..untill I hit the Standby button[jk].
try this site if in the states, My Last Result: Download Speed: 6502 kbps transfer rate) Upload Speed: 851 kbps transfer rate)
im not even gonna post my internet speed, im ashamed of my internet speed. i got DSL but turns out im too far away from the ISP. arg. =pepsimaxx=
Download Speed: 4336 kbps (542 KB/sec transfer rate) Upload Speed: 354 kbps (44.3 KB/sec transfer rate)
svar91 i tried ye site and compared it to 3 other sites,and your speed test site is way off for me,my speed with the one i posted down is over Download Speed: 6502 kbps,also i tested it with 3-other sites.. your site is wrong. your site posted mine at 1450 kbps,thats dsl speed and i am on cable most members that are on comcast are over 5000 kbps download
9438 kbps down 353 kbps up using irelands test site ,pretty good ,upgraded my machine this week maybe that helped. BTW i have a cable connection. the new ram i got does kick butt
its the honest truth ,i promise is pretty good though highest so far anyway!! its def. T1 speed or higher
On this website: I was rated: 6114kbps download 735kbps upload It'd be great if they offer us a scale or a measurement against something else.
Heres another site to try,i am sure ye all can find more.. there quote There is a lot more to an internet speed test than meets the eye! When you measure bandwidth, be it DSL speed Test, Cable Modem Speed Test or any other, you have to consider the devices the packets of data travel through. A speed test also has to consider the technology used to deliver those packets of data and account for variations in speed. To give you the most accurate results, our internet speed test was based on a research paper by Liang Cheng2 and Ivan Marsic from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey. The paper explains in detail how to accurately measure Digital Subscriber Line Networks and is used by our speed test.
Mine is too low to show, but when I was in Japan a regualr ISP actually Downloading 9mb per second in bittorrent on a 24 Episode! Took 39 Seconds!!!!! That alone makes me want to move to Japan LOL!