I'm backing up my dvd collection onto DVDrs and I'm wondering if its pointless to do than. How long will a backup copy last if I'm using Fujifilm and memorex dvdr's? Hopefully the burned copies wont bomb out in a year or so. How long have they lasted for you?
Well using mainly Taiyo Yuden and Verbatim mine have lasted several years so far. Use those. If the Fuji were made by Taiyo you should be good (they would say made in Japan). If you got the Ritek made Memorex might be okay with those too. My Riteks are still playing. Here's a free program to id who made them - DVD Identifier Keep the burners firmware up to date and burn at 1/2 the rated speed of the media too. Oh and I edited your post of one word - language bit.
I always burn at 4x and Ill check out my dvds with that program, thanks. Where is a good online place to buy quality dvdr's for a reasonably cheap price?
the Fujifilm will probably code out as prodisc which aren't good stick with either Taiyo Yuden or Verbatim I have some that are going on 6 plus years now and are fine. Taiyo Yuden claims thay will last 100 years
I 2nd supermediastore (US) - I also use them quite a bit. @aabbccdd - I wonder if we'll be around to test that 100 year stmt
Yeah binkie SMS always has the best deals on TY's, makes me cringe when I go to a Best Buy or Fry's and see their prices! And like binkie and aabbccdd, I have yet to have a backup created on a Taiyo go bad. Only time I have ever had an issue was when I burned at 12x on an 8x rated TYG02.....user error for the win :/
A well recorded DVD can last over 40 years with 95% assurance and an average of over 50 years according to environmental testing. Taiyo Yuden has made a claim that their DVD media "may exceed 50 years." The 100-year figure applies to CD-Rs using phthalocyanine dye. There have been claims of "100 years" for some DVD-R media, but the test data are very questionable.
My Fuiji dvdrs are made by Taiyo Yuden, pheww. Another question: What is a good speed to burn dual layered discs at?
JoeRyan would be the best one to give you the lowdown on dual layer. But for me no higher than 4x on the 8x media - lower rated burn speed media - 2.4x.
I agree with slower recording speeds on DL media. There are mechanical changes the laser must make at the transition point, and giving it more time can't hurt at that crucial step.