I have a Lite-On SOHW-832S DVD/CD burner. I think the manufacturer says it will last about 70,000 hours. From you guys own experience, roughly how long have your burners lasted before giving out and needing to replace? Either in time such as months/years or number of rips/burns. Also, does burning cause more wear and tear on a drive than ripping or about the same? Or does simply opening and closing the drive do the most damage?
I am still using as my primary a Pioneer 106D and have used it for over 1200 burns as well as 1200 "rips". Just recently bought a Lite-On 167T for ripping to give my 106 a break.
Hi there, You DVD burner should last you, as long as your wife's lawyer doesn't request it in the divorce court Ok let's get serious, I have never heard of someone saying they needed a new burner because it went bad after a while. Most of the people buy new computers (Like me) that had slower burners, DVD 4X and 16x burner, and bought new Dual Layer DVD and 52x CD-burner in the new box. I would also be curious to see stats on drive that worked for a few years then BANG laser died or something
That's a good point cougar. I hadn't really thought of it in those terms. As often as most people upgrade, I guess they wouldn't keep a burner long enough for it to give out. Of course if it was defective that would be another story. At the same time, I would almost be afraid to change out my burner or anything internal for that matter since it is still under warranty. I think that might void the warranty. Still got 2 1/2 years left on it. I did buy an internal DVD-rom recently to rip my DVD's and give my burner a break, but I'm going to get an enclosure to make it external.