How LONG?????

Discussion in 'MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 encoding (AVI to DVD)' started by kartalovp, May 11, 2005.

  1. kartalovp

    kartalovp Member

    May 4, 2005
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    I am trying to build my own DVDs from home videos for the first time and was just wondering if the combination of software and hardware I use is adequate for the purpose.
    So, I am using Premiere 6 for capture and edit and then Encore DVD 1.0 for transcoding, authoring and burning.
    I run this on a HP dv1000 laptop with Pentium M 1.7GHz, 512MB RAM and a 60GB of HDD.
    It seems to me that transcoding takes forever. That is, more than 2 hours for a 1 hour video project. I am talking about very simple DVD with no extra audio, transitions, elaborated menus or anything fancy. Plain cutting out of the unimportant stuff and separating into chapters.
    My question is:
    How powerfull of a machine is usually recommended for running those applications?
    How long does it usually take to build an Encore DVD project of 1 hour?
    Any help apppreciated.
  2. Weycraze

    Weycraze Regular member

    Dec 11, 2004
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    Well, I really think you should try WinAvi for your transcoding.

    It's FAST!

    And make sure you at least leave 10-20GB for your projects and frag your small drive after every project for max performance

    Your machine is powerfull enough

    WinAvi should do that in at least 20 min.
  3. Minion

    Minion Senior member

    Sep 28, 2003
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    Adobe EncoreDVD is a Fairly Fast encoder and with your System a 1 Hour File encodeing in 2 Hours isn"t bad especially Compared to a few Years ago when it took up to 24 to 36 hours to encode 2 hours of Video....

    I would suggest that you Stick with the encoder you are useing because most other encoders that will be Faster will not Produce the quality you are presently getting and that includes WinAVI converter which is a Very Fast encoder and it"s Quality isn"t Bad But it is not great either and it is very Limmited in it"s encodeing Settings....

    The Best way to get faster encodeing is to use a faster PC ,a couple Years ago a "1.7ghz" CPU was considered quite a Fast Machine especially in a Laptop but these days you couln"t get some of the Higher End Editing programs to Barely run on a 1.7ghz PC.....

    I have my CPU Running at 3.17ghz which is allmost Twice as fast as your PC and I can encode a 2 Hour Movie to Mpeg-2 for DVD in about 1 hour and 20 minutes useing "CinemaCraft Encoder SP 2.70" which is one of the Fastest and is the Highest quality software encoders you can get....
    I could encode it in Under an Hour but I use a Bunch of Pre-Filters while Frame Serveing which slows the encodeing down quite a Bit but helps with the Picture Quality,,,,,

    You could Try doing your encodeing in Adobe premier if you want...There are a few good Mpeg encoder Plugins for adobe premier that you could Install and use to encode which might give you faster encodeing...

    These are Three best ones:

    Mainconcept MpegPro HD Premier Plugin
    Canopus procoder Premier Plugin
    CinemaCraft Encoder premier Plugin

  4. Weycraze

    Weycraze Regular member

    Dec 11, 2004
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    Thanks Minion, for a great lesson!!

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