I'm getting a Kodak Z812 IS HD Digital Cam. I have a 2GB Standard SD Card, but I'm guessing that won't hold much video. I'm not even sure yet of how long of clips I can take at a time. I want to know what I need, so I can include it with an order I'm getting ready to place. Any info will help greatly. Thanks.
I think you should read this with regards to this camera and memory cards. http://www.stevesforums.com/forums/view_topic.php?id=583078&forum_id=18 I also came across a reference to a maximum recording time for video of 30 minutes per clip (depending on memory capacity) which looks like a method of preventing cinema filming. I can't find any references to a maximum supported memory card size, but use the usual caution when buying larger ones as a large number of so called 4 and 8 gig cards are fakes. I can't even find an 8 gig SDHC card for sale in the "usual reputable" places, though there are as usual lots of "bargains" on flea-bay.. As for filesize for video.. it records in Quick-time MPEG4 format, so lots will depend on resolution and framerate.. impossible to guess without actually recording timed clips under varying conditions and comparing the results..
Depends on resolution. If you convert a dvd from dvd to mpeg-4 you are looking at 1.5 gig a video to even 2 gig's at full clearity. At lower quality you are looking at 500 megs to 1.0 gig per video Like i said it all depends.
I have a TZ3 with records in MOV format and I got a 15 min movie that was about 880MB. So four 15min clips (1 hour movie) would take about 3.5GB (880MB X 4). I am using a 4GB SDHC card.