Hi, i am currently in need a small PSU as I am trying to fit a PC inside a replacement xbox case that i bought. It only just hit me that the xbox PSU is very similar to a PC one because the connectors it has on it so I thought that would b the perfect solution as it is small. But could anyone tell me how many watts it has cuz i need to know if it will power everything. Thanx
Im sure the 230 should supply enough power. http://www.newegg.com/app/ViewProduct.asp?submit=property&DEPA=1
Its alright thanks, i have found a perfect PSU. its the "Shuttle Silent X 250W Power" and is only £16 off this particular site (http://www.komplett.co.uk/k/ki.asp?sku=123059&cks=PRL) but out of stock :S o well