I've downloaded the entire season Ronin Warriors, but they are in mkv files so I know of no converter that will change the episodes to mp4. I have searched and searched to find an answer to this question yet no one knows hopefully someone here can help me out.
Quicktime Pro might Work, You can get it at limewire, I would try for you but I dont have any movies in that format! ~Domreis
After researching, the aforementioned 'River Past' company's software seems to be the best (and only) option available to you. Here's their .mkv to iPod guide. http://www.riverpast.com/en/support/tutorials/convert/mkv/ipod_video.php
Once again, I cannot pay for anything right now so this river past is out of the question unless I can get a serial to the MPEG-4 booster pack.
Well I can not support or condone that. So the rest is entirely your choice. I did read your above post, but I was merely stating that River Past is probably your best & only option..
I have come to find out that as of right now it IS my only option. I should have not acted so combative earlier though I could not pay for it, I am trying the River Past method out right now and will report if this goes according to plan.
Alright Then. If you need any help (though I've never used this program before), I'll do as best I can to help you out.
virtualdub mod should work. http://www.afterdawn.com/software/video_software/video_tools/virtualdubmod.cfm u have to do the audio stream separtely becuz virtualdub deosn't possess ogg.
no sound on general cuz it can't convert ogg u have to save it as ogg and maybe convert it to wav or mp2 and u tmpgenc to combine it and convert it to avi. it's a painful process i don't know if it's worth it.
Why would I want to convert it to avi? I can convert it straight to mp4... Supposely the newest version CAN read ogg so I will see how that one works and check back in.
AHustler - Good luck, and keep us posted. If you have any success, I may be able to write a guide on it