Newbie questions, thanks for bearing with me. Had Roxio years ago and recently upgraded from Nero 6 to 8 under XP. Found Nero 8 a bit more cluttered, slow to start, and not as easy to find selections; but I will survive. I removed the start up entries of Nerofiltercheck and NeroBGMonitor. Also disabled checking for updates. I hate extra things running that are unnecessary for me. Poor design perhaps. When I run Nero Start Smart and then shut it down, the Nero Indexing Service would not shut down by itself. So I disabled the NeroIndexingService in Services.msc Questions: 1. I hope this will not cause any issues.. 2. Perhaps Roxio is a better product these days not sure.. Thoughts?? 3. Have an .mp4 file and want to convert to mpg-Nero recode cannot do this I do not think. Any ideas?? Thanks so much Peter
Try Nerovision. Recode only deals with a specific mpeg4 format. Nerovision doesn't necessarily handle all mpeg4 formats either but it handles quite a few.
Worked fine. Quality was not so great do need to tweak some things. Thanks for the insight. Nero 8 seemed to make things a little harder to find than previous version. Appreciate it Peter
You're welcome. I've never found Nero to be a great converter but I'm usually going from mpeg2 to xvid or divx.
My honest opinion? There's got to be something better than Nero 8. I'm tired of wasting 2 hrs recoding a video only to find that Nero cut off the first 10 minutes....AGAIN. The whole thing is buggy. It's really just designed to sell licenses for Ahead; once you've got it it's a constant fight. And the company is a real dragon lady... they make you pay for everything again and again. Even disabling your download if you need it later "buy our extended download service" Not to mention buy 3 copies of the same software for all your PCs. Every day I use their stuff I feel ripped off.
There's free software and other single purpose software that competes with Nero. Some of it is indeed better imo. I use virtualdub, DVDFlick, ConvertXtoDVD, and DrDivx for mpeg4 and conversion. Imgburn is great for burning DVDs. There's a couple of free CD burning engines. Etc.