How should I connect my DVD-R Drive, Please Help!

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by jeditig, Jan 5, 2004.

  1. jeditig

    jeditig Member

    Sep 22, 2003
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    I just bought a new DVD-R Drive. I currently have my interface cables like this. 120GB HD (primary) and a 20GB (slave) into slot 1 on board. And my DVD-ROM drive into slot 2. When I connect the DVD-R drive as a master and leave the DVD-ROM drive as a slave, the drivers get all crossed and when I go to my device manager DVD/CD list it shows only a CD-ROM with a garbled label (P%nE*& CD*#@). If i detach the cable from either DVD drive than the other one in recognized and works great. So how do I connect two DVD drives. Should I connect a hard drive and DVD drive to each cable instead of both hard drives and both DVD drives together. Please help... I run on Windows XP Pro.
  2. vurbal

    vurbal Administrator Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2002
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    I had the exact same problem with my computer when I got my first DVD-R drive over a year ago. I never found a solution beyond putting them on separate channels. I know it wasn't the DVD-R drive because it's now in a friend's computer, and he has DVD-R on the same channel. I can't be sure about the DVD-ROM since it's in another machine with no burner of any kind. What motherboard do you have in your PC?
  3. jeditig

    jeditig Member

    Sep 22, 2003
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    Motherboard is latest and greatest as I just built the computer in Sept. Sometime this weekend I am going to separate the drives and put a Hard drive and DVD on each cable and see if that helps... its just weird...
  4. Bodene

    Bodene Regular member

    Oct 5, 2003
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    Put the ROM on as master, and the dvd writer as slave on the same IDE. Mine is set up that way and I have no problems....even when doing on-the-fly copying. Make sure the pins are set correctly on the back of the drives.

    Do NOT put the optical drive on an IDE with a high speed drive. It can cause other issues you prolly want to avoid.

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