I just bought a new DVD-R Drive. I currently have my interface cables like this. 120GB HD (primary) and a 20GB (slave) into slot 1 on board. And my DVD-ROM drive into slot 2. When I connect the DVD-R drive as a master and leave the DVD-ROM drive as a slave, the drivers get all crossed and when I go to my device manager DVD/CD list it shows only a CD-ROM with a garbled label (P%nE*& CD*#@). If i detach the cable from either DVD drive than the other one in recognized and works great. So how do I connect two DVD drives. Should I connect a hard drive and DVD drive to each cable instead of both hard drives and both DVD drives together. Please help... I run on Windows XP Pro.
I had the exact same problem with my computer when I got my first DVD-R drive over a year ago. I never found a solution beyond putting them on separate channels. I know it wasn't the DVD-R drive because it's now in a friend's computer, and he has DVD-R on the same channel. I can't be sure about the DVD-ROM since it's in another machine with no burner of any kind. What motherboard do you have in your PC?
Motherboard is latest and greatest as I just built the computer in Sept. Sometime this weekend I am going to separate the drives and put a Hard drive and DVD on each cable and see if that helps... its just weird...
Put the ROM on as master, and the dvd writer as slave on the same IDE. Mine is set up that way and I have no problems....even when doing on-the-fly copying. Make sure the pins are set correctly on the back of the drives. Do NOT put the optical drive on an IDE with a high speed drive. It can cause other issues you prolly want to avoid.