How soon will it be when gas is $10 / gallon?

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by f00dl3, Aug 31, 2005.

  1. f00dl3

    f00dl3 Guest

    Over the past 3 days gas prices have shot up $.50 / gallon.

    * All prices are unleaded

    8/28/05 2.519 / gallon
    8/31/05 3.099 / gallon

    At this rate, gas prices will be:

    9/02/05 3.59 / gallon
    9/06/05 4.09 / gallon
    9/09/05 4.59 / gallon
    9/12/05 5.09 / gallon
    9/15/05 5.59 / gallon
    9/19/05 6.09 / gallon
    9/22/05 6.59 / gallon
    9/25/05 7.09 / gallon
    9/28/05 7.59 / gallon
    10/2/05 8.09 / gallon
    10/5/05 8.59 / gallon
    10/8/05 9.09 / gallon
    10/11/05 9.59 / gallon
    10/14/05 10.09 / gallon

    By October 14th, 2005 at the current rate gas prices will be $10.09 / gallon for regular unleaded.

    With 25% of the US mainland's gas supply cut off by Hurricane Katrina, for at least the next month, we may indeed see $.50 / day rises in Unleaded gas prices. One other note is that crude oil supplys may get so low that it may push our country into a energy crisis.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 31, 2005
  2. killerc

    killerc Guest

    Where do you live the states
  3. f00dl3

    f00dl3 Guest

    Kansas City, MO

    Gas is now 3.19 / gallon.
  4. mcalister

    mcalister Regular member

    Mar 6, 2004
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    $3.19 a gallon here in KY too.
  5. jmet

    jmet Regular member

    Nov 14, 2002
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    $2.80 a gallon here in Texas. (I live about 45 min from Shreveport.)
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2005
  6. l8nights

    l8nights Guest

    jmet what part of tx i'm bout 30min south of dallas and paying $3.09 yesterday it was just under 2.80 and they say before the end of the month it will be pushing $5

    are you getting a bunch of homeless there the news reports dallas is housing about 200,000 extra ppl most of which are homeless and the rest being those that had family living here.

    I just now over heard a redcross rep talking to reporters saying they would love stuff like kid appropriate dvd's to be donated to bad I would be a criminal if I was to burn everykid there a copy of sharktales or shrek2 hmmm might just do it any way's
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 1, 2005
  7. jmet

    jmet Regular member

    Nov 14, 2002
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    I'm in "East Texas" (Longview). My mother has friends that lived in New Orleans, they are now staying with me since I live alone and had the 2 extra rooms. Every hotel/motel here is booked with no vacancy.

    My fiancé's daughter (which is 5), opted on her own accord to give alot of her toys to the red cross and salvation army etc. Which totally took me by surprise!
  8. l8nights

    l8nights Guest

    good show there jmet I also have a five yr-old and five yr's worth of toy's laying around her and there she is also very kind I think it's the best age any one will ever-be old enough to wipe yourself but to young to be expected to do much else

    btw this speaks volumes about your character did you see the post I put up two day's ago it was hidden here and was buried beneath post's concerning which porn was best. but I guess that is a fair measure of the society we live in.

    I'm off to find the # to the local red cross
  9. Rikoshay

    Rikoshay Regular member

    Apr 13, 2004
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    This is utter nonsense. Why are we as a society wasting time figuring out the ways to save fossile fuels when we should have been creating alternative energy sources way back in the 90s when this crap began. Hybrid cars aren't good enough now. We have to find a fully-compatible, new, reusable source for everyday consumption. What ever happened to nuclear fusion? It's way safer than the fission process, and it will make up for the funds it needs in only a matter of months if successful. We need to stop relying on all these old resources and start creating new effective ones.
  10. fifedog

    fifedog Member

    Sep 1, 2005
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    ya its expensive here to but can you imagine the people in new orleans who have it way worse without food and water. And were sitting here talking about how expensive gas is. Shit we still pay more for bottled water so really i think when the price of gas reaches 5$\litre then we can start to worry.
  11. Xsilver

    Xsilver Regular member

    Jan 10, 2004
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    I was just looking at this post and thought about the US gas/petrol price and the price of the U.K

    Quick breakdown :

    1 U.K gallon = 1.2 U.S gallon

    In the U.k for 8.3 UK gallons would cost $62.41

    At the prices quoted in the first post

    In the US for you would get 10 UK gallons and pay $30.87

    I dont know what the average wage in america but if its equal to the uk then the prices are good. But then any prices look good compared to the ripoff UK
  12. jmet

    jmet Regular member

    Nov 14, 2002
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    Gas it up to $6.00 a gallon in Georgia.
  13. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    i'm also in ripoff UK, and have to do a measly 50 miles a day, but diesel (for some time now) has been edging up to £1 a litre, which for me translates to £100 a month now (some months ago it was £80 a month).

    i live on a narrowboat and luckily the (main) heating/hot water runs off 'red diesel' which is around 30pence-ish a litre, so that costs something daft like £120 a year. though next year i believe that the uk's 'derogration' on red diesel might end in which case the cost would be the same as streets prices for diesel. if that happens would have to revert to the wood/coal burner for all heating i think
  14. j_torres

    j_torres Regular member

    Jun 26, 2005
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    It hit $3.00 dollars here

    (An hour away from Austin, Texas in College Station)
  15. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    i saw one petrol station this morn 99.9p a litre here in UK

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