how to boot backups using action replay

Discussion in 'Nintendo Gamecube - General discussion' started by johnodd4, Dec 9, 2004.

  1. johnodd4

    johnodd4 Guest

    this section is how to boot backups using a action replay for gamecube this is just a interesting thing to try don't know maybe it would work but anyways

    let me explain

    currently we know that gamecube cd's scan a barcode on the gamecube disk to boot well the new action replay the one with the donkey konga codes has a new ability it has the ability to boot imports from the gamecube menu
    not from inside the action replay it self so here is a interesting experiment anyone can try

    but your action replay must be the one tht came with the donkey konga codes already on it..

    here is what you would need....

    1. a backup of a gamecube game burned in the same
    format as the gamcube cd original minus the barcode?

    2. a action replay must be a new one with a 59 block memory card and donkey konga codes

    3. and hpefully it may work let me explain

    first off start the gamecube with the lid open and the action replay disk in the drive once the menu apears select gameplay you should have a icon of a spinning bunch of blocks do not press a or start just select the gameplay option only shut the drive for the gamecube and wait for the action replay icon to apeear
    then eject the drive then place the backup in the drive and shut the drive

    basicly the gamecube action replay security file stays in memory and tell's the gamecube to boot anything
    thats how booting imports work with the new action replay and maybe it would work for backups too?
  2. tj162

    tj162 Member

    Dec 29, 2004
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    It might work I supose is there anyone out there to try it
  3. johnodd4

    johnodd4 Guest

    i know it might work i just wish i had a dvd burner to try this
  4. 1DKS1

    1DKS1 Member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    This might sound domb but if the GC needs to read a bar code then couldn't we just use a marker to put a bar code on the dvd-r...sorry I just look at a game disc and I can see how that would be imposable...sorry for the domb idea
  5. tj162

    tj162 Member

    Dec 29, 2004
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    I've got a burner and some burnt games all I need now is action replay
  6. NLA

    NLA Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Unless you yourself have tried it or someone has tried and you know for sure that it works you shouldn't post it :/
  7. coldasice

    coldasice Guest

    Dude, unless you have something USEFUL to post, please try to refrain from posting at all. If tried or not, I find this information quite intriguing. This is a GC posting forum. If johnodd4 can't try it because of reasons, he puts it out here so that if anyone else CAN do, they will. I believe we must explore ALL possibilities no matter how logical or ridiculous they sound. How do you think we're able to stream games now? NLA, quit discriminating. Johnodd4, thanks. I will be trying it soon.
  8. noryn

    noryn Member

    Sep 2, 2004
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    Discussions never hurt anything!

    John has made some other comments though that I think would be wonderful if true and he could tell us how such as playing backup games using a preview disc and gba.

    I hope someone tries this and reports back to us although I have looked at several other forums and have heard this does NOT work however John's logic makes this seem like it would in fact work.

    Someone please try!
  9. Maryela3

    Maryela3 Guest

    DOesnt work bang!!! block yer ass huh??? the screen just stays black nothin happens what a shame
  10. modchipa

    modchipa Member

    Jan 3, 2005
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    Who would spend their money on a Game Cube??? You would have to be a Loser!! They are the lowest selling gaming machine this century. XBOX ROCKS!!!
  11. coldasice

    coldasice Guest

    Don't post in here dumb$hit. I don't know where you're from, maybe in UK that's true, but if you'd drag your head outta Bill Gate's @$$ (Obviously from kissing it so much) you'd have read the stats that in the U.S. and Japan Gamecube ranked highest selling point at the end of the year. Xbox is just a huge bulky pathetic peice of hardware that Bill Gates used to TRY monopolizing the gaming industry with. He's *cried* his way into the gaming world because he wants a peice of the that is and wants to be at the top of EVERYTHING. (even things he knows he can't be) He doesn't care about the *fun* that bonds a gamer with his/her game. Nintendo has ALWAYS accomplished that and even now, they won in the end! -Veteran gamer-
  12. k4m1k4z3

    k4m1k4z3 Member

    Sep 17, 2004
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    ^^ Is right !

    Cubes are great console, only thing that ruins forums like this is planks sayin stuff like "Xbox rocks, everything else is crap".

    I reckon a bit of an increase in the sales of GC is coming ;)
  13. SuperTed

    SuperTed Regular member

    Aug 23, 2004
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    So anybody here willing enough to try?
    I also found this Yahoo group claiming to have a bootdisc and also some users there that say it works, but havn't got it working myself.

    I was wondering some stuff about the Cobra Bios actually.
    Could someone make a streamable thing out of that so all ya have to do is stream something that does the same as the cobra bios and play backups with your Cube?
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2005
  14. NLA

    NLA Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Sorry sorry! piez, I was just meaning that people shouldn't get up their hopes on something that doesn't necessarily have proof or have been proved. Sorry for being a bit harsh. Too bad it didn't work, I much would have rather done this then get a Viper chip or go through PSO.
  15. L-Burna

    L-Burna Active member

    Mar 25, 2003
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    I was wondering has anyone actually booted the Action Replay as a backup using an original as the TOC refresh disc.Then swapping for a backup with codes not sure if that would work,but doesn't hurt to try.I would also like to use codes for backups,not really for cheating but also for region change on games.The Action Replay allows region change by inserting code like the freeloader does.
  16. YM2151

    YM2151 Member

    Jul 31, 2004
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    It is believed and highly likely GameCube discs are encrypted. When you make an image backup, the game isn't encrypted. Now if you burn your unencrypted game to a disc it won't work if you put it in. When a disc is inserted it is checked for various things, we can't be sure of everything that is checked but one can assume it verifys it is a GC original disc. It would also likely read an encryption key (possibly the bar code) and setup the drive to decrypt the disc data when needed. Now your burned disc won't have a bar code or whereever the encryption key is stored. This will inform the GC that the disc is not valid and all reading stops.

    Potentially you could do a swap trick though. If you hold the lid sensor in a closed state, you can change the disc unknowingly so it will not recheck the disc. However you'll need the disc to stop spinning ofcourse. If it does not swapping could be dangerous. Then, after you swap ofcourse, you have more problems. The program you used to swap needs to be able to reset the encryption key most likely, to allow reading a totally non encrypted disc.

    So I'll make this short, a program could potentially be designed to do a swap trick, but the Action Replay and FreeLoader discs do not do enough to get around copy protection. And yes, I have tried booting a burned DVD on my GC with freeloader/action replay before. I've done other minor research which clearly shows the product isn't useful for booting DVD-Rs.

    By the way, Action Replay and Freeloader play imports by simply disabling a region lockout register in memory somewhere I believe. They also have a simple apploader which executes/loads the game. Also I believe the regional lockout disable can be located in the bootstrap as freeloader also can work by putting in the disc at the bios, letting it be scanned, then switching to an import right there. Sega Saturn also had a bootstrap feature similar to this that totally disabled copy protection checks.
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2005
  17. coldasice

    coldasice Guest

    YM2151- Quite interesting info, I must admit, however this:
    Is not true. Even the protection is copied over off of a Gamecube disc. Why do you think some games can be streamed and some not? Some part of not being able to stream a game is the whole "not having enough information and freezing" but most is NOT. I hear a patch will come out for Resident Evil 4 soon that will allow it to stream. I wonder why that is? Maybe because it has a PROTECTION on it? The ENTIRE disc is copies from the G.O.D...even the protection. So when you burn the ISO the protection still stays on there. The only thing that the GC looks for that isn't there is the Nintendo barcode.

    The problem is that a DVD writter can't duplicate that *signature* or barcode that IS Nintendo's protection. It wouldn't even matter if your DVD burner had pre-programed Gamecube BIOS to use as a reference for burning. Since the DVD drive can't understand the barcode AT ALL! It is simply bypasses and the rest of the image is written as given.

    As you had said, FREELOADER simply rules out region code. It will still look for the barcode. Action Replay is a code executer program. The region check HAS to be off in order to initiate code.

    What you are talking about is basically possible (not probable) in one aspect. You remember the bootdisc for PS1? Written in an EXACT PS1 format? Called BREAKER PRO? That was a disc, written by some sort of a SONY machine (obviously because it didn't have problems booting in an unmodded PS1), to read import/export or copied PS1 games. Meaning a code was written PROFESSIONALLY to bypass both region and copy protection. So then, someone would have to get ahold of one of Nintendo's Gamecube disc writters to write a bootdisc to look past the barcode and the region. That's the only way that you could boot backups. Unless of course you could re-write the BIOS? WHOA.....viper modchip right there. I'd just flat out make it easy on yourself and buy a modchip.
  18. mstrchf

    mstrchf Member

    Jan 19, 2005
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    For fusks sake, i'm sick of reading posts of people slagging off different consoles. So lame. i don't give a shit about the consoles respective companys marketing and i dont care how many units one has sold more than the other. I buy a console if its got decent games that appeal to me. I own a dreamcast an xbox and have just recently purchased a gamecube. Not cos im bored of my brilliant xbox but cos there are some games worth playing on gamecube and the same goes for ps2.
    If a console doesn't have games u want to play, don't buy one, don't criticise other people for having one. And don't make yourself look lame by trying to defend your console, just ignore them! they obviously have no taste or discernment and aren't worth bothering with.
  19. YM2151

    YM2151 Member

    Jul 31, 2004
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    ColdasIce, sorry but you are not quite right.

    The "protection" is not copied off the disc. What is copied is an image of every sector on the disc (an ISO in essence) which is decrypted by the GC hardware. The "protection" of the GC with what little is truely known about it, includes encryption of some sort. The "bar code" you are always talking about quite likely could be an encryption key which is read differently by the laser than normal data, or the encryption key could lie elsewhere, we don't know for sure.

    Why can some games be streamed and some not? Because there are lots of games out, and the StarCube loader software must be so universal in a way to effectively support them all via a form of a DVD wrapper. This involves a search and destroy technique, which could easily fail. I have also mentioned before that the reason a game might not stream is as simple as a call to the BBA hardware by the game. Forinstance, PSO won't stream. Do you know why? It initializes the BBA hardware, thus killing our connection. Resident Evil 4, we don't yet know why it doesn't work, however I myself suspect a similar issue. Now I seriously doubt it is a protection because the ViperGC modchip can run it, and Viper is FAR from perfect.

    Next off, do you even understand burning a disc? Water mark images on discs are NOT data. They are NOT copied. The bar code is most definitely a mark similar to the PS2 CD watermark in CD based PS2 games. Only instead of likely being deeper than the data layer it is ontop. Also, remember that Sega Saturn and Dreamcast had a visual security ring on discs. These were presumably checked by the laser in the same fashion the gamecube may read the "bar code".

    Freeloader loads and executes a program just like Action Replay. Action Replay, how the hell did you figure "region check has to be off"? Action Replay merely includes the same software feature as FreeLoader which again disables region checks. It doesn't "have" to be off.

    Now onto your PS1 misinformation. The "Boot Discs" for PS1 were nothing but glorified swapping discs. Swap tricks had been around since the beginning. Now, sorry again, but you are all wrong about this sony machine. Playstation 1 copy protection includes intentional errors in the first sectors of the CD which involve zeroed EDC/ECC sector data. CD Writers will auto correct this error thus making a disc that cannot boot. Now if you aren't a total newbie, you would know that commercial/mass produced discs are pressed by machines. There is no error checking. Producing bootable discs in a factory is easy.

    The Breaker Pro was produced no doubt by a 3rd party, just like Interact or Datel or whoever made the Game Shark Lite Cheat CD, which can also let you boot copies or imports.

    Now about your idea that a GameCube Disc Writer exists and could be obtained shows how much you know. For the last time, commercial discs are pressed by machines. They have been doing this since the 1970s or so. Before then LPs (The Black Records) were done in a similar fashion. Now to bypass protections with a swap trick you need access to the system... now where would we get that... oh wait! We've only had that since the PSO exploit from 2003 was it? Plus there is the SDLOAD method now.

    So please, don't spread misinformation around.
  20. coldasice

    coldasice Guest

    Pardon my not making sence, I was sorta drunk when I typed that. The concept is not *mis-information* as you so igorantly put it. Simply a concept. Whatever you say on the streaming pal! I know there is a patch out there being developed for RE4 because of the copy protection. PROTECTION IS COPIED NO MATTER WHAT YOU THINK!!! This I know for a fact. Which means there HAS to be copy protection. Don't forget that the Viper takes away the whole *looking for protection* method. Streamed gaming and modded gaming are very different. But I guess it *shows what you know* on that huh? The breaker pro concept was simply that. A concept. I know that they are pressed. But I also know action replay/freeloader cannot in any way load a backup. Don't combine your intelligence with your ignorance. Leads to an unintelligent responce. What I speak of are ONLY concepts based on facts I've either learned or heard. A wise man informs intelligence; he doesn't discriminate.

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