Hi, I have obtained some rather handy music software useful for my music production. Although to actually burn it to CD and install it to my PC and MAC I have been told I have to burn a 'CD Image' of the files so that it can be read by the system and installed. The files are WinRAR files. Do they need extracting before burning to CD? How do I burn the CD image? Thanks
Exactly the same. It is illegal. Using this stuff, and the people who use it, are costing the entire industry. There are countless products that have now been totally withdrawn due to Piracy. It is WRONG. If you cannot afford to buy, then use either opensource, shareware or freeware. There is plenty of it that will do most jobs. If however you wish to use commercial products, then GO AND BUY THEM. Lowlife pirates put honest people out of work. Coders & developers have families to feed, and piracy is stealing from them too. There is no way that it can ever be condoned.