Well, I finally figured out how to burn a dvd... I use X- copy. My question is if I have a dvd image saved to my harddisk, what method should I use to transfer that to blank DVD. I have tried shrink, genie, anydvd, nero, and clone dvd2, none of them worked. Any input would be appreciated.
Well first of all I would get DVDDecrypter and the make sure the DVDShrink is up todate. You can use Xcopy if you want to but the preferred method on this forum to burn a .Iso file is to use Shrink to write and DVDDecrypter to burn. Instructions are as follows. You can probably use DVDDecrypter to burn the iso. in write mode or you can try it w/ the instructions below: 1. Make a folder on your Desktop> call it Rip Movies 2. Insert Movie in either DVD burner or DVD-Rom and click cancel when it asks you what to use to open the movie 3. Open DVD Shrink> click Open Disc> Shrink does quick analysis 4. Movie Only Option a. Go to Re-author and Click b. Under Main movie slide the main movie to the left under DVD Structure c. You can now remove the languages you do not want and the audio you do not want. 5. Click Backup and go to burn setting and disable Nero if you have Nero 6. Click SelectTarget Drive> click Iso Disc Image 7. Select Target Image File> Browse>Desktop> Rip Movie ( file you made) 8. Make sure to check the box Launch DVDDecrypter to burn the output image 9. click O.K 10. It will now do analysis and then encode the movie and automatically burn with DVDDecrypter.
sO, DVD dYCRYPTOR TAKES THE PLACE OF x COPY, RIGHT? I assume this method would work if for example I had a movie that was badly scratched up and I had to download a working version of it correct? Or would I take a different approach?
josha, If you have a DVD that is badly scratched I doubt if anything will back it up completely. As far a downloading a movie from the internet I have no idea what files are D/L'd or what format they are in when they are D/L'd. I would just go out again and buy the original and then make a copy of it and then put the original away so no one can get to it.
Can anyone help me, my dvd xpress is acting up. I've tried restore system, uninstalling then reinstalling. It just stopped burning and would give a write error with no number. On the last try it just stopped burning and showed a cancelling message.
josha - That'd be piracy & against aD forum rules (please read them if not having done so already). If anyone else in this thread has a DVD X Copy question please go the correct forum : http://dvdxcopy.afterdawn.com [link is at the bottom of every aD page]. **I'm going to give eveyone a chance to read this before closing the thread**