how to burn a video dvd

Discussion in 'DVD / Blu-ray drives' started by elkaiman, Jun 26, 2006.

  1. elkaiman

    elkaiman Guest

    how can i burn a video dvd without it pausing in the playback mode and at what speed should i burn?
  2. hermes_vb

    hermes_vb Regular member

    Jul 29, 2005
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    I don't quite understand the "Pause" part, but when it comes to the burning speed, it depends on various factors. Mostly, you have to take into account Media Type and Burner Capabilities. In general I'd say burn your media at rated speed (but no more than 8X) if you are using quality media. If using Crappy media, then burn at 4X tops.

    PS It would help if we had an idea of your Burner/Media...
  3. elkaiman

    elkaiman Guest

    what I meant and I used the wrong phase was it freezes(pause) in the playback and that was my problem.
  4. hermes_vb

    hermes_vb Regular member

    Jul 29, 2005
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    Wrong phase? I guess I'll never know...Ok back to the point. If your playback pauses or freezes, it's likely to be a media problem. So it's either due to crappy media or your burner doesn't have up to date firmware to correctly burn new media. Like I said before, IF you tell us your BURNER MODEL and the BLANK MEDIA you are using, maybe we could figure it out. It would also be helpful knowing what SOFTWARE you used for burning and the BURNING SPEED.
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2006
  5. elkaiman

    elkaiman Guest

    well mostly I use Sony or really the truth is I buy what on sale but lately I'am looking for better media, I use to burn at max. speed but I'am learning and now I burn at 4x, dvd burner is a lite-on DVDRW SOHW-812S and I use Clonedvd2 w/Anydvd software, thank you for taking time to help me out, I'm a old dog trying to learn new tricks
  6. hermes_vb

    hermes_vb Regular member

    Jul 29, 2005
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    Well, I'n not so young myself. I've learned a lot since I became a member of After Dawn. You'll learn that sometimes Brand names can be deceiving. There are only a few of media manufacturers compared to the countless brands. Sony media it's either Excellent if made by Taiyo Yuden or Decent if made by Sony although opinions vary on the last one. Right now I'm burning a SONY D21 coded media at 8X and have not found a broblem. Maybe it's because my Burner is a BenQ. Others have reported success with 4X speed only with that particular media. You can go to and download the latest firmware for your burner in case you have trouble burning new media.

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